This record describes gravity data collected on RV Investigator voyage IN2020_V06, titled "Probing the Australian-Pacific Plate Boundary: Macquarie Ridge in 3-D." The voyage took place between October 8 and November 1, 2020 departing from Hobart (TAS) and arriving in Hobart (TAS). The gravity meter instrument is a MicroG Lacoste Air-Sea II. Data are stored in .ENV and .DAT data files at CSIRO. There are 26 files totalling 425 MB of raw data in this dataset. Wharf tie[s] were undertaken at Hobart Princes Wharf No.4 location using a Scintrex Autograv CG-5. Wharf tie data can be found in "Hobart wharf_tie_2020_11_02.TXT", which is stored with the raw data. No processing has been conducted on this data. Additional information regarding this dataset is contained in the GSM data acquisition and processing report.
This dataset contains data collected by the Australian Continuous Plankton Recorder (AusCPR) survey and is funded by IMOS (Ships of Opportunity sub-facility) and CSIRO. The aims of the AusCPR survey are to: * map plankton biodiversity and distribution * develop the first long-term plankton baseline for Australian waters * document plankton changes in response to climate change * provide indices for fisheries management * detect harmful algal blooms * validate satellite remote sensing * initialise and test ecosystem models. The survey conducts repeat tows in the GBR, the East Australian Current and down to the Southern Ocean Time Series Mooring (SOTS). Other routes are conducted on an adhoc nature around Australia. The dataset also contains phytoplankton data from the UTAS / AAD led Southern Ocean CPR (SOCPR) project which is also funded by IMOS. The datasets available in this collection include Phytoplankton Colour Index (an estimate of chlorophyll in the water), phytoplankton abundance, zooplankton abundance and a biomass index from AusCPR and phytoplankton abundance from SOCPR. This data are freely available through the AODN portal: This data is freely available but please acknowledge all relevant parties, as detailed in acknowledgement section.
This record contains data collected from the near-water surface sampling site off the Lucinda Jetty, as part of the Lucinda Jetty Coastal Observatory. Sample collection began the 9th of January, 2014. The data can be used for Ocean Colour sensor validation. Parameters measured include the absorption coefficients of the particulate and dissolved components of the water column and the phytoplankton pigment concentration and composition.
The primary goal of this project is to use field sampling and mathematical modelling to document the distribution of plastic in the ocean, on the coast and in the nearshore environment generated by 6-8 major urban centers and surrounding areas that have been identified as having significant waste mismanagement or losses into the marine environment. However, since this projects inception we have expanded the number of countries surveyed. This research will allow for empirical validation of waste losses as projected by a recent global estimate of plastic losses into the world’s oceans.
This resource describes a sample extent region for use in the Kaleidoscope spatial portal: No attribute data are presented.
This record describes multibeam echosounder data collected on voyage BF2020_v01 aboard the AMC's vessel the Bluefin. The vessel departed Beauty Point on the 11/08/2020 and returned to Beauty Point on the 17/08/2020. The Kongsberg EM2040c multibeam echosounder was used to acquire seafloor bathymetry, backscatter information and watercolumn backscatter. The survey area was ~4km to the south east of Golden Beach was ~6.2 km x ~15.4 km. (Area surveyed including turns totalled 103.7 km2). This survey area encompasses previously surveyed areas (2017 and 2018) and extended seaward to a depth of 26m. The EM2040c provides a 1.3 degree by 1.3 degree angular resolution. The echosounder's nominal frequency is 300 kHz and it operated in dual swath mode. This project also utilised a dual head arrangement enabling a greater swath coverage. Data are stored in *.all raw format for bathymetry and backscatter and *.wcd format for watercolumn backscatter at CSIRO. Raw data files include: - 545 *.all files totalling 195GB - 513 *.wcd files totalling 1.35TB Sound velocity profiles were applied to this data during data acquisition. Bathymetry data contained in *.all format are corrected for motion and position. Processed data was corrected to AHD utilising the AusGeoid2020 geoid model. Processed data had outliers removed. Processed line data are available in *.gsf format, and processed bathymetry and backscatter grids in geotiff format. Additional information regarding this dataset, including information on processing streams, is contained in the GSM data acquisition and processing report. Additional data products may be available on request.
Seabird and incidental cetacean and seal sightings were recorded during daylight hours during the entire voyage. During the voyage, there was 2,581 transect counts of seabirds of 61 species. Coverage was good over the area around Heard and McDonald islands, with some coverage also of Gunnari Ridge. Also covered some deeper parts of the Central Kerguelen Plateau. There were 31 sightings of sea mammals away from the immediate vicinity of Heard and McDonald islands (fur seals were sufficiently common in waters around Heard and McDonald Island to be treated using the same method as for seabirds). Sightings included five species of whales and three species of dolphins. The most intriguing series of sightings comprised seven sightings (approximately eight animals) of blue whales over Gunnari Ridge on 9/10 February (another sighting on 21 January may have been in the same area, as it was approximately 1° north and 1° west of the February sightings) The data has been published to the Ocean Biodiversity Information System (OBIS
This dataset contains summaries of QLD Department of Agriculture and Fisheries (DAF) logbook data on effort distribution for QLD commercial fisheries in state marine and estuarine waters. The logbook data has been recorded and submitted to QLD DAF by commercial fishers. The data are aggregated to produce summaries of total effort by fishing activity or method (summarised across fishery), over 5 year periods and at a 0.1 degree resolution where 5 boats or more operate. All effort information has been removed for areas where less than 5 boats operate and these areas are mapped to a 1 degree resolution with effort indicated as presence-only. The 5 year periods (2006-2010, 2011-2015) correspond to State of Environment (SoE) Reporting, required under the EPBC Act 1999. Each map layer is labelled by the years aggregated (“2015” for 2011-2015) and the fishing activity (e.g. “Harvest”). The gear codes and aggregated fisheries and the shape file field descriptions are listed separately in the Supplemental Information section. The data were supplied for the purpose of research being undertaken by CSIRO under the National Environmental Science Programme (NESP) Marine Biodiversity Hub to produce an interactive map of pressures on the marine environment (at a broad spatial scale) that will enable a systematic understanding of the different pressures acting in different areas. Disclaimer The Department of Agriculture and Fisheries (DAF), Queensland, makes no representations about the content and suitability of the map and summary data presented for any purpose. Specifically, DAF does not warrant, guarantee or make any representations regarding the correctness, accuracy, reliability, currency, or any other aspect regarding characteristics or use of the information presented in the maps and summary data. The user accepts sole responsibility and risk associated with the use and results of the maps and summary data, irrespective of the purpose to which such use or results are applied. In no event shall DAF be liable for any special, indirect or consequential damages or any damages whatsoever resulting from loss of use, data or profits, whether in an action of contract, negligence or tort, rising out of or in connection with the use of the maps and summary data.
This dataset contains summaries of NSW Department of Primary Industries (DPI) logbook data on effort distribution for NSW commercial fisheries in state marine and estuarine waters. The logbook data has been recorded and submitted to NSW DPI by commercial fishers. The data are aggregated to produce summaries of total effort by gear type (summarised across fishery), over 5 year periods and at a 0.1 degree resolution where 6 boats or more operate. All effort information has been removed for areas where less than 6 boats operate and these areas are mapped to a 1 degree resolution. The 5 year period (2011-2015) corresponds to State of Environment (SoE) Reporting, required under the EPBC Act 1999. Each map layer is labelled by the years aggregated (“2015” for 2011-2015) and the gear type (“GNMN” = gillnet and mesh net). The gear codes and aggregated fisheries and the shape file field descriptions are listed separately in the Supplemental Information section. The data were supplied for the purpose of research being undertaken by CSIRO under the National Environmental Science Programme (NESP) Marine Biodiversity Hub to produce an interactive map of pressures on the marine environment (at a broad spatial scale) that will enable a systematic understanding of the different pressures acting in different areas. The State of New South Wales, the Department of Primary Industries, its employees, officers, agents or servants are not responsible for the result of any actions taken on the basis of the information contained on the map, or for any errors, omissions or inaccuracies that may occur on this map. NSW Department of Industry disclaims, to the extent permitted by law, all warranties, representations or endorsements, express or implied, with regard to the map and summary data including but not limited to, all implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or non-infringement. NSW Department of Industry further does not warrant or accept any liability in relation to the quality, operability or accuracy of the map and summary data.
This data contains summaries of WA Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD) logbook data on effort distribution for WA commercial fisheries in state marine waters. The logbook data has been recorded and submitted to WA DPIRD by commercial fishers. The data are aggregated to produce summaries of total effort by fishing activity or method (summarised across fishery), over 5 year periods and at a 60 mn resolution where 3 or more boats operate. Effort is indicated as presence-only for areas where less than 3 boats operate. The 5 year periods (2006-2010, 2011-2015) correspond to State of Environment (SoE) Reporting, required under the EPBC Act 1999. Each map layer is labelled by the years aggregated (“2011” for 2011-2015) and the fishing activity (e.g. “Line”). The gear codes and aggregated fisheries and the shape file field descriptions are listed below. Source: Based on Western Australia Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development data, extract taken July 2020. The data were supplied for the purpose of research being undertaken by CSIRO under the NESP Marine Biodiversity Hub to produce an interactive map of pressures on the marine environment (at a broad spatial scale) that will enable a systematic understanding of the different pressures acting in different areas. Please contact the WA Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development for permissions to use the data for another purpose. Coordinate reference system: EPSG: 4326, WGS 84 Notes: 1. Care needs to be taken when interpreting the fishing effort maps because in areas where there are less than 3 boats operating only the fishing footprint at 1 degree resolution is displayed, consistent with the WA DPIRD Information Disclosure Policy. The fishing footprint indicates that fishing occurred but does not provide information about the intensity of effort. These areas comprise less than 4% of the total fishing effort. Note that fishing effort is recorded at finer-resolution (0.1 degree) since approximately 2008, however due to confidentiality those data were unavailable. 2. The summary effort data encompasses the commercial marine fisheries in Western Australia, excluding the Christmas Island Fishery. These include trawl, line, trap, pot, hand gathering, and net methods. For further detail regarding these methods, please contact WA DPIRD. The WA commercial fisheries associated with each fishing activity (or method) are listed below. Disclaimer The Chief Executive Officer of the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development and the State of Western Australia accept no liability whatsoever by reason of negligence or otherwise arising from the use or release of this information or any part of it. The Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD), Western Australia, does not warrant that the information presented in the maps and summary data is free from errors or omissions. The information presented in the maps and summary data may not relate, or be relevant, to a readers particular circumstances. Accordingly, to the fullest extent permitted by law, the State of Western Australia and its officers and employees are released from liability (including in respect of negligence) for any loss, damage, cost and expense caused by use of or reliance on the information presented in the maps and summary data.