


350 record(s)


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    The CSIRO Dawn-2100 archive contains datasets for atmospheric, land and oceanographic variables for the approximate period 1850 - 2100 (dependent on model). These have been created through the concatenation of 20th century (20C3M) and other scenario (currently SRESA1B or SRESA2) data from a number of the 25 differant global climate models (GCM) from various countries. The SRESA1B_cal_windsp dataset in particular contains the variable windspeed (windsp) which has been calculated from GCM outputs of eastward wind near surface (uas) and northward wind near surface (vas) under the SRESA1B scenario (SRESA1B emissions 2001 to 2100, then constant GHG 720ppm). These variables have also been further analysed to give monthly, seasonal and annual trend data, calculated from a monthly timeseries referenced to the area-weighted mean global warming values. 13 GCM models are available with data for variables being in 12 month, annual and 4 seasons(DJF, MAM,JJA,SON) format with 43 files totaling 4.2 GB as Netcdf files. Available for internal use and analysis by CSIRO staff on the HPSC cherax.

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    The CSIRO Dawn-2100 archive contains datasets for atmospheric, land and oceanographic variables for the approximate period 1850 - 2100 (dependent on model). These have been created through the concatenation of 20th century (20C3M) and other scenario (currently SRESA1B or SRESA2) data from a number of the 25 differant global climate models (GCM) from various countries. The SRESA2_huss dataset contains the Specific Humidity variable for various GCM's and runs (multiple runs being averaged to a single file if existing) under the scenario SRESA2 emissions 2001 to 2100. These variables have also been further analysed to give monthly, seasonal and annual trend data, calculated from a monthly timeseries referenced to the area-weighted mean global warming values. 8 GCM models are available with data for variables being in 12 month, annual and 4 seasons(DJF, MAM,JJA,SON) format with 20 files totaling 2.94 GB as Netcdf files. Available for internal use and analysis by CSIRO staff on the HPSC cherax.

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    The CSIRO Dawn-2100 archive contains datasets for atmospheric, land and oceanographic variables for the approximate period 1850 - 2100 (dependent on model). These have been created through the concatenation of 20th century (20C3M) and other scenario (currently SRESA1B or SRESA2) data from a number of the 25 differant global climate models (GCM) from various countries. The SRESA2_rsds dataset contains the Surface downwelling shortwave flux in air variable for various GCM's and runs (multiple runs being averaged to a single file if existing) under the scenario SRESA2 emissions 2001 to 2100. These variables have also been further analysed to give monthly, seasonal and annual trend data, calculated from a monthly timeseries referenced to the area-weighted mean global warming values. 18 GCM models are available with data for variables being in 12 month, annual and 4 seasons(DJF, MAM,JJA,SON) format with 41 files totaling 5.73 GB as Netcdf files. Available for internal use and analysis by CSIRO staff on the HPSC cherax.

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    The CSIRO archive of the Australian Bureau of Meteorology Global Analysis and Prediction (GASP) global gridded analysis datasets for the period from 1998 until present. The Global AnalysiS Prediction model uses spectral numerical analysis techniques to provide 6-hourly (00,06,12,18) variables at 60 levels from the surface to 10 hPa with a resolution of 1 deg (approximately 85 km horizontal resolution). Datasets have been tarred into single monthly archives with the following file following folder convention [ /YYYY/YYYYMM.tar (YY=year, MM=month)], with each monthly file being approximately 6-7 MB totaling 75.9 GB per year. Datasets are in netcdf format and are continuously updated.

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    The CSIRO Dawn-2100 archive contains datasets for atmospheric, land and oceanographic variables for the approximate period 1850 - 2100 (dependent on model). These have been created through the concatenation of 20th century (20C3M) and other scenario (currently SRESA1B or SRESA2) data from a number of the 25 differant global climate models (GCM) from various countries. The SRESA2_pr dataset contains the Precipitation flux variable for various GCM's and runs (multiple runs being averaged to a single file if existing) under the scenario SRESA2 emissions 2001 to 2100. These variables have also been further analysed to give monthly, seasonal and annual trend data, calculated from a monthly timeseries referenced to the area-weighted mean global warming values. 19 GCM models are available with data for variables being in 12 month, annual and 4 seasons(DJF, MAM,JJA,SON) format with 37 files totaling 5.22 GB as Netcdf files. Available for internal use and analysis by CSIRO staff on the HPSC cherax.

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    The Global Precipitation Climatology Centre (GPCC) dataset containing the global analysis of monthly precipitation on earths landsurface based on in situ raingauge data from 9,343 stations worldwide. Otherwise known as the VASClimO 50-Year Climatology (Ver1.0) with monthly gridded time series precipitation analysis data available for the period 1951-2000 with spatial resolutions of 1.0° x 1.0°. The GPCC is operated by the Deutscher Wetterdienst (DWD, National Meteorological Service of Germany). VASClimO is preferred for analysis of temporal climate variability, in particular the spatial distribution of climate change with respect to precipitation. The GPCC VASClimO product is an input to the IPCC 4AR. The CSIRO version of this dataset has had all years concatenated to form one file and has also been processed to be available as a climatology, anomaly, seasonal anomaly, and coefficient format.

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    The CSIRO versions of the BOM (Bureau of Meteorology Australia) Australian Temperature datasets are a concatenation of the individual monthly Temperature datasets into a single contiguous netcdf file for the time period 1900-2007 with a spatial resolution of .25° x .25°. The variables tav(Average Temperature), tmax (Maximum Temperature), tmin (Minimum Temperature) & tdtr (Diurnal Temperature Range) are available for the whole of Australia and also as a subset for the Murray Darling Basin. These have also been processed to include calculated Anomaly, Climatology, and Seasonal datasets available for Australia. There are approximately 17 files for Temperature data totalling 921.32 MB.

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    The SODA (Simple Oceanographic Data Assimilation) datasets are global ocean reanalysis datasets created by assimilating timely temperature and salinity observational data into an eddy permitting forecast model based on the Parallel Ocean Program POP1.3 model forced with ERA40 winds. SODA was created to reconstruct historical ocean climate variability on space and timescales similar to those captured by the atmospheric reanalysis projects at NCEP. The CSIRO version of the ENACT dataset is a concatenation of the individual monthly variables into single netcdf files for the time period 1958-2001 with a spatial resolution of .5° x .5° at 40 levels. It has also been processed to include calculated anomaly and climatological forms of this data. There are 3 models available: Ver1.2: Monthly-9 files 80.4GB, Anomaly-9 files 77.3GB, Climatology-9 files 1.88GB Ver1.4.2: Monthly-7 files 76.1GB, Anomaly-8 files 78.0GB, Climatology-7 files 3.5GB Ver2.0.2: Monthly-16 files 152.0GB, Anomaly-16 files 156.0GB, Climatology-16 files 3.5GB

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    The ECMWF (European Center for Medium range Weather Forecasts) ERA-40 model uses a variational data assimilation system to make a new synthesis of the in-situ and remotely-sensed measurements made worldwide over the period since mid-1957. It produces the basic analysed conventional meteorological wind, temperature and humidity variables as well as stratospheric ozone, ocean-wave and soil conditions. The CSIRO archive contains monthly data for variables concatenated into a single contiguous netcdf file for the time period 1957-2002 with a spatial resolution of 2.5° x 2.5° and has also been further processed to include calculated Anomaly, Climatology and Seasonal forms of this dataset. Trend analysis data is available for specific variables.

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    The CSIRO Dawn-2100 archive contains datasets for atmospheric, land and oceanographic variables for the approximate period 1850 - 2100 (dependent on model). These have been created through the concatenation of 20th century (20C3M) and other scenario (currently SRESA1B or SRESA2) data from a number of the 25 differant global climate models (GCM) from various countries. The SRESA2_vas dataset contains the Northward wind near surface variable for various GCM's and runs (multiple runs being averaged to a single file if existing) under the scenario SRESA2 emissions 2001 to 2100. 13 GCM models are available with data for variables being in 12 month, annual and 4 seasons(DJF, MAM,JJA,SON) format with 23 files totaling 2.52 GB as Netcdf files. Available for internal use and analysis by CSIRO staff on the HPSC cherax.