
research vessel

2240 record(s)


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  • This record describes gravity data collected on RV Investigator voyage IN2020_V06, titled "Probing the Australian-Pacific Plate Boundary: Macquarie Ridge in 3-D." The voyage took place between October 8 and November 1, 2020 departing from Hobart (TAS) and arriving in Hobart (TAS). The gravity meter instrument is a MicroG Lacoste Air-Sea II. Data are stored in .ENV and .DAT data files at CSIRO. There are 26 files totalling 425 MB of raw data in this dataset. Wharf tie[s] were undertaken at Hobart Princes Wharf No.4 location using a Scintrex Autograv CG-5. Wharf tie data can be found in "Hobart wharf_tie_2020_11_02.TXT", which is stored with the raw data. No processing has been conducted on this data. Additional information regarding this dataset is contained in the GSM data acquisition and processing report.

  • This record describes multibeam echosounder data collected from the Marine National Facility (MNF) RV Investigator Voyage IN2020_V01, titled: “Development of William’s Ridge, Kerguelen Plateau: tectonics, hotspot magmatism, microcontinents, and Australia’s Extended Continental Shelf” between January 08 and March 06, 2020 departing from Henderson (WA) and returning back to Fremantle (WA). The Kongsberg EM122 multibeam echosounder was used to acquire seafloor bathymetry, backscatter information and watercolumn backscatter at Rig Seismic Seamount, Williams Ridge, Broken Ridge and on associated transits. The EM122 provides a 1 degree by 1 degree angular resolution. The echosounder's nominal frequency is 12 kHz. Data are stored in *.all raw format for bathymetry and backscatter and *.wcd format for watercolumn backscatter at CSIRO. There are 2164 files totalling 174 GB of raw data in this dataset. Sound velocity profiles were applied to this data during data acquisition. Bathymetry data contained in *.all format are corrected for motion and position. Tide corrections were not applied to the processed data. Processed data had outliers removed. Processed line data are available in *.gsf and ascii format, and processed bathymetry and backscatter grids in geotiff format. Additional information regarding this dataset, including information on processing streams, is contained in the GSM data acquisition and processing report. Additional data products may be available on request.

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    This record contains data collected from the near-water surface sampling site off the Lucinda Jetty, as part of the Lucinda Jetty Coastal Observatory. Sample collection began the 9th of January, 2014. The data can be used for Ocean Colour sensor validation. Parameters measured include the absorption coefficients of the particulate and dissolved components of the water column and the phytoplankton pigment concentration and composition.

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    This dataset contains temperature data from the TOGA/WOCE transect IX9 across the Indian Ocean, between Fremantle and the Persian Gulf. Data have been collected since November 1985 and are ongoing. The transect is repeated approximately monthly. Profiles are obtained approximately every 60km (a 1 degree latitude / 1.5 degree longitude grid). The data are obtained from XBTs (expendable bathythermographs) deployed via the Ship-of-Opportunity Program (SOOP) of the IOC/WMO Integrated Global Ocean Services System (IGOSS), and are now managed by the Joint Australian Facility for Ocean Observing Systems (JAFOOS), a collaborative venture between CSIRO Marine Research and the Bureau of Meteorology Research Centre (BMRC).

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    This dataset contains temperature data from the TOGA/WOCE transect IX1 between Australia and Indonesia. Data have been collected since March 1987 and are ongoing. The transect is repeated approximately twice each month. Profiles are obtained approximately every 60km (a 1 degree latitude / 1.5 degree longitude grid). The data are obtained from XBTs (expendable bathythermographs) deployed via the Ship-of-Opportunity Program (SOOP) of the IOC/WMO Integrated Global Ocean Services System (IGOSS), and are now managed by the Joint Australian Facility for Ocean Observing Systems (JAFOOS), a collaborative venture between CSIRO Marine Research and the Bureau of Meteorology Research Centre (BMRC).

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    This dataset contains temperature data from the TOGA/WOCE transects PX8 (Auckland-Panama), PX17 (Tahiti-Panama) and PX28 (Tahiti-Auckland) across the Pacific Ocean. Data were collected between August 1984 and November 1986, the transect was repeated about 30 times. The data were obtained from XBTs (expendable bathythermographs) deployed via deployed via the Ship-of-Opportunity Program (SOOP) of the IOC/WMO Integrated Global Ocean Services System (IGOSS), and are now managed by the Joint Australian Facility for Ocean Observing Systems (JAFOOS), a collaborative venture between CSIRO Marine Research and the Bureau of Meteorology Research Centre (BMRC).

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    This dataset contains temperature data from the TOGA/WOCE transect IX12 across the Indian Ocean, between Fremantle and the Red Sea. Data have been collected since December 1986 and are ongoing. The transect is repeated approximately monthly. Profiles are obtained approximately every 60km (a 1 degree latitude / 1.5 degree longitude grid). The data are obtained from XBTs (expendable bathythermographs) deployed via the Ship-of-Opportunity Program (SOOP) of the IOC/WMO Integrated Global Ocean Services System (IGOSS), and are now managed by the Joint Australian Facility for Ocean Observing Systems (JAFOOS), a collaborative venture between CSIRO Marine Research and the Bureau of Meteorology Research Centre (BMRC).

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    This dataset contains temperature data from the TOGA/WOCE line PX3 in the Coral Sea. Data have been collected between March 1985 and October 1990. The transect was repeated approximately monthly. The data were obtained from XBTs (expendable bathythermographs) deployed via the vessel Nimos, and are now managed by the Joint Australian Facility for Ocean Observing Systems (JAFOOS), a collaborative venture between CSIRO Marine Research and the Bureau of Meteorology Research Centre (BMRC).

  • This record describes sub bottom profiler data collected on RV Investigator voyage IN2019_V05, titled: "Integrated Marine Observing System: monitoring of East Australian Current property transports at 27 degrees South." The voyage took place between September 9 and September 29, 2019 departing from Brisbane (QLD) and arriving in Brisbane. The Kongsberg SBP120 (sub bottom profiler) was used to acquire data containing the specular reflections at different sediment interfaces below the seafloor. The SBP120 provides a 3° by 3° angular resolution. The echosounder's frequency sweep range is from 2.5 to 7 kHz. The SBP120 was logged sporadically for the extent of the voyage. Data are stored in *.raw (598 files 5.6 GB) raw and *.seg (1,210 files 11.1 GB) segy formats at CSIRO. The segy format data had a real time processing stream applied, which applies gain, a gain correction, matched filter with replica shaping, an attribute calculation for instantaneous amplitude and time variable gain. Additional information regarding this dataset is contained in the GSM data acquisition and processing report. Additional data products may be available on request

  • This record describes gravity data collected on RV Investigator voyage IN2019_T02, titled: "Deep seascapes of the Great Barrier Reef: Uncovering submarine canyons and landslides." The voyage took place between October 4 and October 14, 2019 departing from Brisbane (QLD) and arriving in Darwin (NT). The gravity meter instrument is a MicroG Lacoste Air-Sea II. Data are stored in .ENV and .DAT data files at CSIRO. There are 26 files totalling 199 MB of raw data in this dataset. No processing has been conducted on this data. Additional information regarding this dataset is contained in the GSM data acquisition and processing report.