
Temperature of the water body

1599 record(s)


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From 1 - 10 / 1599
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    This record contains data collected from the near-water surface sampling site off the Lucinda Jetty, as part of the Lucinda Jetty Coastal Observatory. Sample collection began the 9th of January, 2014. The data can be used for Ocean Colour sensor validation. Parameters measured include the absorption coefficients of the particulate and dissolved components of the water column and the phytoplankton pigment concentration and composition.

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    This dataset contains temperature data from the TOGA/WOCE transect IX9 across the Indian Ocean, between Fremantle and the Persian Gulf. Data have been collected since November 1985 and are ongoing. The transect is repeated approximately monthly. Profiles are obtained approximately every 60km (a 1 degree latitude / 1.5 degree longitude grid). The data are obtained from XBTs (expendable bathythermographs) deployed via the Ship-of-Opportunity Program (SOOP) of the IOC/WMO Integrated Global Ocean Services System (IGOSS), and are now managed by the Joint Australian Facility for Ocean Observing Systems (JAFOOS), a collaborative venture between CSIRO Marine Research and the Bureau of Meteorology Research Centre (BMRC).

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    This dataset contains temperature data from the TOGA/WOCE transect IX1 between Australia and Indonesia. Data have been collected since March 1987 and are ongoing. The transect is repeated approximately twice each month. Profiles are obtained approximately every 60km (a 1 degree latitude / 1.5 degree longitude grid). The data are obtained from XBTs (expendable bathythermographs) deployed via the Ship-of-Opportunity Program (SOOP) of the IOC/WMO Integrated Global Ocean Services System (IGOSS), and are now managed by the Joint Australian Facility for Ocean Observing Systems (JAFOOS), a collaborative venture between CSIRO Marine Research and the Bureau of Meteorology Research Centre (BMRC).

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    This dataset contains temperature data from the TOGA/WOCE transects PX8 (Auckland-Panama), PX17 (Tahiti-Panama) and PX28 (Tahiti-Auckland) across the Pacific Ocean. Data were collected between August 1984 and November 1986, the transect was repeated about 30 times. The data were obtained from XBTs (expendable bathythermographs) deployed via deployed via the Ship-of-Opportunity Program (SOOP) of the IOC/WMO Integrated Global Ocean Services System (IGOSS), and are now managed by the Joint Australian Facility for Ocean Observing Systems (JAFOOS), a collaborative venture between CSIRO Marine Research and the Bureau of Meteorology Research Centre (BMRC).

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    This dataset contains temperature data from the TOGA/WOCE transect IX12 across the Indian Ocean, between Fremantle and the Red Sea. Data have been collected since December 1986 and are ongoing. The transect is repeated approximately monthly. Profiles are obtained approximately every 60km (a 1 degree latitude / 1.5 degree longitude grid). The data are obtained from XBTs (expendable bathythermographs) deployed via the Ship-of-Opportunity Program (SOOP) of the IOC/WMO Integrated Global Ocean Services System (IGOSS), and are now managed by the Joint Australian Facility for Ocean Observing Systems (JAFOOS), a collaborative venture between CSIRO Marine Research and the Bureau of Meteorology Research Centre (BMRC).

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    This dataset contains temperature data from the TOGA/WOCE line PX3 in the Coral Sea. Data have been collected between March 1985 and October 1990. The transect was repeated approximately monthly. The data were obtained from XBTs (expendable bathythermographs) deployed via the vessel Nimos, and are now managed by the Joint Australian Facility for Ocean Observing Systems (JAFOOS), a collaborative venture between CSIRO Marine Research and the Bureau of Meteorology Research Centre (BMRC).

  • This record describes expendable bathythermograph, XBT, data collected on the RV Investigator voyage IN2016_V03, 'Monitoring Ocean Change and Variability along 170° W from the ice edge to the equator', which departed Hobart on the 26 April 2016 and returned to Lautoka, Fiji on the 30 June 2016. There was a port call at Wellington, New Zealand, 26 - 27 May for some science personnel change; this resulted in two "legs" of the voyage therefore Leg 1 is 26 April - 26 May 2016, and Leg 2 27 May - 30 June 2016. The ship XBT system as well as Bec Cowley's wireless XBT system were used to collect multiple XBT drops at CTD deployments for data comparisons. A total of 147 XBT casts were conducted over the duration of this voyage on the ship XBT system. Data are stored in netCDF files at CSIRO. Additional information regarding this dataset is contained in the GSM data acquisition and processing report. Additional data products may be available on request.

  • This record describes expendable bathythermograph, XBT, data collected on the RV Investigator voyage IN2016_V04, 'Monitoring Ocean Change and Variability along 170° W from the ice edge to the equator', which departed Sydney on the 31 Aug2016 and returned to Brisbane, on the 23 Sep 2016. A total of 9 XBT casts were conducted over the duration of this voyage on the ship XBT system. Data are stored in netCDF files at CSIRO. Additional information regarding this dataset is contained in the GSM data acquisition and processing report. Additional data products may be available on request.

  • This record describes expendable bathythermograph (XBT) data collected on RV Investigator voyage IN2016_v05, "The Great Barrier Reef as a significant source of climatically relevant aerosol particles." The voyage departed Brisbane on 28th September 2016. Leg 1 ended on 11 October with a personnel transfer at Fitzroy Island. Leg 2 ended on 16 October with another personnel transfer at Magnetic Island, then the voyage ended in Brisbane on 24 October 2016. A total of 16 XBT casts were conducted over the duration of this voyage. Data are stored in netCDF files at CSIRO. Additional information regarding this dataset is contained in the GSM data acquisition and processing report. Additional data products may be available on request.

  • This record describes XBT data collected on RV Investigator voyage IN2016_V06, which departed Brisbane 29th October 2016, and arrived into Brisbane 13th November 2016. A total of 15 XBT casts were conducted over the duration of this voyage. Data are stored in netCDF files at CSIRO. Additional information regarding this dataset is contained in the GSM data acquisition and processing report. Additional data products may be available on request.