This record describes the data (CTD, Dissolved Oxygen, Transmissometer, PAR, ECO Triplet, Nitrate, Fluorescence and LOPC) collected using the towed TRIAXUS platform on Investigator voyage IN2015_V01, titled: "IMOS Southern Ocean Time Series automated moorings for climate and carbon cycle studies southwest of Tasmania." The voyage took place between March 21 and March 30, 2015 departing from Hobart (TAS) and arriving in Hobart. CTD, Dissolved Oxygen, Transmissometer, PAR, and ECO Triplet have been processed and are made available via the links below. The collected data were subsequently processed and archived within the CSIRO Oceans and Atmosphere (O&A) Information and Data Centre (IDC) in Hobart. Additional information regarding this dataset may be contained in the Voyage Summary and the Data Processing Report.
This record describes the data (CTD, Dissolved Oxygen, Transmissometer, PAR, ECO Triplet and LOPC) collected using the towed TRIAXUS platform on Investigator voyage IN2019_V06, titled: "Tropical observations of atmospheric convection, biogenic emissions, ocean mixing, and processes generating intraseasonal SST variability." The voyage took place between October 19 and December 17, 2019 departing from Darwin (NT) and arriving in Darwin. Data for 3 Triaxus tows were acquired using Seabird’s SeaSave acquisition software using the Seabird SBE911+ CTD 23. Sea-Bird and O&A Calibration lab supplied calibration factors were used to compute the pressure, preliminary conductivity, oxygen and temperature values. The data was subjected to automated QC to remove spikes and out-of-range values. Dissolved oxygen sensors, Transmissometer and Cosine Photosynthetically Active Radiation (PAR) sensor were also installed on the auxiliary A/D channels of the CTD. In addition to the auxiliary channels, ECO Triplet and LOPC were mounted on the Triaxus as attached payloads. An RBRconcerto3 CTD|ODO sensor measuring temperature, conductivity and oxygen was mounted on the Triaxus frame from Deployment 2 Leg 1. The standard data product (1 decibar/10 second binned averaged) was produced using data from the primary and seconday sensors to produce an along-track time-series dataset for each data recording file. These files were grouped into sections containing each Triaxus tow and in each tow, vertical casts were created with interpolated values from the along-track time-series binned dataset with a maximum interpolation distance of 2 cast. These generated the along-track and vertical cast section data products for each Triaxus tow. During some of the deployments, issues occurred with the Triaxus vehicle. As a result, standard data products could not be made for these deployments. The collected data were subsequently archived within the CSIRO Oceans and Atmosphere (O&A) Information and Data Centre (IDC) in Hobart. Additional information regarding this dataset may be contained in the Voyage Summary and the Data Processing Report.
This record describes the data (CTD, Dissolved Oxygen, Transmissometer, PAR, ECO Triplet, Nitrate, Fluorescence and LOPC) collected using the towed TRIAXUS platform on Investigator voyage IN2019_V05, titled: "Integrated Marine Observing System: monitoring of East Australian Current property transports at 27 degrees South." The voyage took place between September 9 and September 29, 2019 departing from Brisbane (QLD) and arriving in Brisbane. Data for 6 Triaxus deployments were acquired using Seabird’s Seasave acquisition software using the Seabird SBE911+ CTD 23. O&A Calibration lab supplied calibration factors were used to compute the pressure, preliminary conductivity, oxygen and temperature values. The data was subjected to automated QC to remove spikes and out-of-range values. A Biospherical QCP2300-HP PAR, and a WetLabs C-STAR Transmissometer sensors were also installed on the auxiliary A/D channels of the CTD. In addition to the auxiliary channels an ECO Triplet and LOPC were mounted on the Triaxus as attached payloads. The standard data product (1 decibar/10 second binned averaged) was produced using data from the primary sensors to produce an along-track time-series dataset for each data recording file. These files were grouped into sections containing each Triaxus deployment and in each deployment, vertical casts were created with interpolated values from the along-track time-series binned dataset with a maximum interpolation distance of 1 cast. These generated the along-track and vertical cast section data products for each Triaxus deployment. All deployments except for 3 were along the mooring line transect. Throughout the voyage there were some issues with the Triaxus vehicle. Communication loss with the Triaxus ended Deployment 1 early, requiring re-termination. Deployment 5 also suffered communication loss, ending acquisition early. The Primary SBE43 Oxygen sensor was swapped out after deployment 3 due to increased noise in sensor readings. The collected data were subsequently archived within the CSIRO Oceans and Atmosphere (O&A) Information and Data Centre (IDC) in Hobart. Additional information regarding this dataset may be contained in the Voyage Summary and the Data Processing Report.
This record describes the data (CTD, Dissolved Oxygen, Transmissometer, PAR, ECO Triplet, Nitrate, Fluorescence and LOPC) collected using the towed TRIAXUS platform on Investigator voyage IN2019_V03, titled: "A coupled bio-physical, ecosystem-scale, examination of Australia’s International Indian Ocean Expedition line." The voyage took place between May 14 and June 14, 2019 departing from Fremantle (WA) and arriving in Fremantle. Data for 3 Triaxus deployments were acquired using seabirds SeaSave acquisition software with Seabird SBE911+ CTD #23. Sea-Bird and O&A Calibration lab supplied calibration factors were used to compute the pressure, preliminary conductivity, oxygen and temperature values. The data was subjected to automated QC to remove spikes and out-of-range values. Dissolved oxygen sensors, Photosynthetically Active Radiation (PAR) sensors were also installed on the auxiliary A/D channels of the CTD. In addition to the auxiliary channels an ECO Triplet and LOPC were mounted on the Triaxus as attached payloads. The standard data product (1 decibar/10 second binned averaged) was produced using data from the primary and seconday sensors to produce an along-track time-series dataset for each data scan file. These files were grouped into sections/legs containing the Triaxus deployment. Moreover, for each section, vertical casts were created with interpolated values from the along-track time-series binned dataset with a maximum interpolation distance of 1 cast. These generated the along-track and vertical cast section data products for each Triaxus deployment. Throughout the voyage there were some issues with the Triaxus deployments. As a result, the standard data products could not be made for every deployment. See the Processing Report for further details. The collected data were subsequently archived within the CSIRO Oceans and Atmosphere (O&A) Information and Data Centre (IDC) in Hobart. Additional information regarding this dataset may be contained in the Voyage Summary and the Data Processing Report.
This record describes the data (CTD, Dissolved Oxygen, Transmissometer, PAR, ECO Triplet, Nitrate and LOPC) collected using the towed TRIAXUS platform on Investigator voyage IN2016_V01, titled: "HEOBI – Heard Earth-Ocean-Biosphere Interactions." The voyage took place between January 8 and February 27, 2016 departing from Fremantle (WA) and arriving in Hobart (TAS). CTD, Dissolved Oxygen, Transmissometer, PAR, and ECO Triplet have been processed and are made available via the links below. The collected data were subsequently processed and archived within the CSIRO Oceans and Atmosphere (O&A) Information and Data Centre (IDC) in Hobart. Additional information regarding this dataset may be contained in the Voyage Summary and the Data Processing Report.
This record describes the data (CTD, Dissolved Oxygen, Transmissometer, PAR, ECO Triplet, Nitrate, Fluorescence and LOPC) collected using the towed TRIAXUS platform on Investigator voyage IN2016_V02, titled: "SOTS+CAPRICORN+Eddy." The voyage took place between March 14 and April 16, 2016 departing from Hobart (TAS) and arriving in Hobart. CTD, Dissolved Oxygen, Transmissometer, PAR, and ECO Triplet have been processed and are made available via the links below. The collected data were subsequently processed and archived within the CSIRO Oceans and Atmosphere (O&A) Information and Data Centre (IDC) in Hobart. Additional information regarding this dataset may be contained in the Voyage Summary and the Data Processing Report.
This record describes the data (CTD, Dissolved Oxygen, Transmissometer, PAR, ECO Triplet, Nitrate, Fluorescence and LOPC) collected using the towed TRIAXUS platform on Investigator voyage IN2018_V05, titled: "How does a standing meander southeast of Tasmania brake the Antarctic Circumpolar Current?" The voyage took place from Hobart (TAS) to Hobart between October 16 and November 16, 2018. Data for 10 deployments were acquired using the Seabird SBE911 CTD 25 over 33 separate legs or sections. Sea-Bird-supplied calibration factors and CSIRO supplied calibrations were used to compute the pressures, conductivity and temperature data. The data were subjected to automated QC to remove spikes and out-of-range values. Dissolved oxygen sensors, a Transmissometer and a Cosine Photosynthetically Active Radiation (PAR) sensor were also installed on the auxiliary A/D channels of the CTD. In addition to the auxiliary channels, ECO Triplet, Nitrate, Fluorescence and LOPC were mounted on the Triaxus as attached payloads. The standard product of 1 decibar/10 second binned averaged were produced using data from the primary sensors to produce an along-track time-series dataset. Vertical casts with interpolated values from the along the track using this binned data was also produced with a search distance of 2 casts. This generated the vertical cast and along-track section data products for each Triaxus tow. The collected data were subsequently archived within the CSIRO Oceans and Atmosphere (O&A) Information and Data Centre (IDC) in Hobart. Additional information regarding this dataset may be contained in the Voyage Summary and the Data Processing Report.
This record describes the data (CTD, Dissolved Oxygen, Transmissometer, PAR, ECO Triplet, Nitrate, Fluorescence and LOPC) collected using the towed TRIAXUS platform on Investigator voyage IN2018_V04, titled: "Constraining external iron inputs and cycling in the southern extension of the East Australian Current." The voyage took place between September 11 and October 8, 2018 departing from Hobart (TAS) and arriving in Hobart. CTD, Dissolved Oxygen, Transmissometer, PAR, and ECO Triplet have been processed and are made available via the links below. The collected data were subsequently archived within the CSIRO Oceans and Atmosphere (O&A) Information and Data Centre (IDC) in Hobart. Additional information regarding this dataset may be contained in the Voyage Summary and the Data Processing Report.
This record describes the data (CTD, Dissolved Oxygen, Transmissometer, PAR, ECO Triplet, Nitrate, Fluorescence and LOPC) collected using the towed TRIAXUS platform on Investigator voyage IN2019_V02, titled: "SOTS: Southern Ocean Time Series automated moorings for climate and carbon cycle studies southwest of Tasmania; Subantarctic Biogeochemistry of Carbon and Iron, Southern Ocean Time Series Site". The voyage took place from Hobart (TAS) to Hobart (TAS) between 14th March to 4th April, 2019. Data for 3 Triaxus deployments were acquired in CAP CTD acquisition software using the Seabird SBE911 CTD 20. The deployments were conducted with a standard tow speed of between 7 to 9 knots and wire out ranged from 1050 to 1210 m. During the first two deployments, we encountered issues with the Transmissometer and biofouling of sensors. On the second deployment a communications issue was also addressed. Sea-Bird-supplied calibration factors and CSIRO supplied calibrations were used to compute the pressures, conductivity and temperature data. The data were subjected to automated QC to remove spikes and out-of-range values. Dissolved oxygen sensors, Transmissometer and Cosine Photosynthetically Active Radiation (PAR) sensor were also installed on the auxiliary A/D channels of the CTD. In addition to the auxiliary channels, ECO Triplet, Nitrate, FIRe and LOPC were mounted on the Triaxus as attached payloads. The standard data product (1 decibar/10 second binned averaged) was produced using data from the secondary sensors to produce an along-track time-series dataset for each CAP scan files. These scan files were grouped into legs, each containing a section of the Triaxus deployment and in each leg, vertical casts were created with interpolated values from the along-track time-series binned dataset with a maximum interpolation distance of 3 casts. These generated the along-track and vertical cast section data products for each Triaxus deployment Additional information regarding this dataset may be contained in the Voyage Summary and the Data Processing Report.
This record describes the data (CTD, Dissolved Oxygen, Transmissometer, PAR, ECO Triplet, Nitrate, Fluorescence and LOPC) collected using the towed TRIAXUS platform on Investigator voyage IN2019_V07, titled: "RAN Hydrographic and Maritime Heritage Surveys." The voyage took place between April 11 and April 23, 2019 departing from Hobart (TAS) and arriving in Hobart. Data for 2 Triaxus tows were acquired using Seabird’s Seasave acquisition software using the Seabird SBE911+ CTD 24. O&A Calibration lab supplied calibration factors were used to compute the pressure, preliminary conductivity, oxygen and temperature values. The data was subjected to automated QC to remove spikes and out-of-range values. A Transmissometer and a Cosine Photosynthetically Active Radiation (PAR) sensor were also installed on the auxiliary A/D channels of the CTD. In addition to the auxiliary channels an ECO Triplet and LOPC were mounted on the Triaxus as attached payloads. The standard data product (1 decibar/10 second binned averaged) was produced using data from the primary sensors to produce an along-track time-series dataset for each data recording file. The data from each tow were recorded as a single file. Vertical casts were created with interpolated values from the along-track time-series binned dataset with a maximum interpolation distance of 1 cast. These generated the along-track and vertical cast section data products for each Triaxus tow. Due to a cable failure the PAR and transmissometer data were unusable. The flow meter of the LOPC was suspected to be faulty, compromising the recorded data. The collected data were subsequently archived within the CSIRO Oceans and Atmosphere (O&A) Information and Data Centre (IDC) in Hobart. Additional information regarding this dataset may be contained in the Voyage Summary and the Data Processing Report.