
Coastal Waters (Australia) | West Australia Coast South, WA

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  • This record describes multibeam echosounder data collected on RV Investigator voyage IN2019_T01 CAPSTAN which departed Hobart on the 29th April 2019 and returned to Fremantle on the 9th May 2019. The Kongsberg EM710 MKII multibeam echosounder was used to acquire seafloor bathymetry and backscatter information and watercolumn backscatter around the south west coast of Western Australia and south coast of Tasmania. The EM710 MKII provides a 0.5° by 1° transmit and receive angular resolution respectively. The echosounder's nominal frequency range is from 40 to 100 kHz. Data are stored in *.all raw format for bathymetry and backscatter and *.wcd format for watercolumn backscatter at CSIRO. There are 68 files totaling 16 GB of raw data in this dataset. Sound velocity profiles were applied to this data during data acquisition. Bathymetry data contained in *.all format are corrected for motion and position. Tide corrections were applied to the processed data. Processed data has had outliers removed. Processed line data are available in *.gsf and ascii format, and processed bathymetry and backscatter grids in geotiff format. Additional information regarding this dataset, including further information on processing streams, is contained in the GSM data acquisition and processing report. Additional data products may be available on request.

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    Hydrodynamic and wave modelling to simulate currents and wave action over reef and lagoon systems.

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    Collection of deep sea fish earbones (Otoliths) - Blue Grenadier, 180 pairs, collected in 2003, from Western Tasmanian Waters. - Orange Roughy, 21 pairs, collected 2000, from Albany, Western Australia. - Orange Roughy, 1040 pairs, collected 2002, from the South Tasman Rise. These specimens were collected for future CMAR research analyses as required.

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    Provisional Abstract pending aquisition of moer detailed information. This dataset comprises the moored ADCP and current meter data collected. "The record (in the water) goes from 1430 13 November 2000 to 27 November 2001. The records were taken on the half hour. About 2 dozen samples were missed by the instrument during the year. The bin size was 4 m and the instrument was near the bottom. It also measured temperature." off Rottnest Island, Western Australia between November 2000 - November 2001 as part of the CSIRO Division of Marine Research ?? study. Parameters recorded comprise east-west and north-south velocity components, water temperature, pressure. Information provided by Dr George Cresswel (CSIRO).

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    Southern Surveyor Voyage SS2011_T04 - This list includes ALL data backup media and documentation returned to CMAR Data Centre after this voyage: - DATA BACKUPS (Media Type - Media Label - Media location): - - LTO tape - Shore Backup SS2011_T04 copy 1- created 25/11/2011- Hobart Marine Labs, Block 2, Datacentre Filing Cabinet 1 Drawer2, Archive box 8A - LTO tape - Shore Backup SS2011_T04 copy 2- created 28/11/2011 - Sent to Floreat 9th Dec, 2011 - PAPER DOCUMENTS - Bridge Log - CTD Log - Nutrient Log - Salinity Log - Swath Log - Hourly Log - End Of Voyage Form - Data request Form. Trim References: Container AB2011/1161 Record number C2011/10247 Hobart (5010) - Building 5 - Room 5GS69 (CMAR MNF) - Compactus 1 On-line Documentation: 08/12/11 - ss2011_t04_Bridge_logs.pdf - ss2011_t04_CTD_logs.pdf - ss2011_t04_Data_Request_form.pdf - ss2011_t04_Electronics_Report.pdf - ss2011_t04_EOV_form.pdf - ss2011_t04_Hourly_logs.pdf - ss2011_t04_Nutrient_logs.pdf - ss2011_t04_Salinity_log.pdf - ss2011_t04_Swath_logs.pdf Recommended MarLIN title, Links and On-line Documentation list have been written to /home/mnf/processedVoyageData/RV_Southern_Surveyor/ss2011_t04/global_docs/SS2011_T04MarLIN_Raw_Links_Report.txt. Links in this record are for PROCESSING STAFF ONLY. Scientific staff may request copies via Documentation is on the internal network: \processedVoyageData [voyage] \global_docs The raw data will be archived by the CSIRO Data Access Portal in 2015.

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    Southern Surveyor Voyage SS2011_T03 - This list includes ALL data backup media and documentation returned to CMAR Data Centre after this voyage: - DATA BACKUPS (Media Type - Media Label - Media location): - - LTO tape - Shore Backup SS2011_t03 copy 1- created 01/09/2011 - Hobart Marine Labs, Block 2, Datacentre Filing Cabinet 1 Drawer2, Archive box 8A - LTO tape - Shore Backup SS2011_t03 copy 2- created 01/09/2011 - Sent to Floreat 19th October 2011 - PAPER DOCUMENTS - Bridge Log - CTD Log - Nutrient Log - Salinity Log - Underway Nutrient Log - Swath log - TSG plot - No End Of Voyage Form - Data request Form Trim References: Container AB2011/1161 Record number C2011/7780 Hobart (5010) - Building 5 - Room 5GS69 (CMAR MNF) - Compactus 1 On-line Documentation: - ss2011_t03_Bridge_Logs.pdf - ss2011_t03_CTD_Logs.pdf - ss2011_t03_Data_Request_form.pdf - SS2011_t03_Electronics_report.pdf - ss2011_t03_EOV_form.pdf - ss2011_t03_Salinity_Log.pdf - ss2011_t03_Swath_Logs.pdf - ss2011_t03_TSG_plot.pdf - ss2011_t03_Underway_Nutrient_log.pdf Links in this record are for PROCESSING STAFF ONLY. Scientific staff may request copies via Documentation is on the internal network: \processedVoyageData [voyage] \global_docs. The raw data will be archived by the CSIRO Data Access Portal in 2015.

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    Southern Surveyor Voyage SS2012_T05 - This list includes ALL data backup media and documentation returned to CMAR Data Centre after this voyage: - DATA BACKUPS (Media Type - Media Label - Media location): - - LTO tape - Shore Backup SS2012_T05 copy 1- created 15/08/2012 -Stored - Hobart Marine Labs, Block 2, Datacentre Filing Cabinet 1 Drawer2, Archive box 8A - LTO tape - Shore Backup SS2012_T05 copy 2- created 15/08/2012 - Sent to Floreat 26/9/2012 - PAPER DOCUMENTS - Bridge Logs - Hourly Logs - Swath Logs - CTD logs - Nutrient Logs - Salinity Log - End Of Voyage Form - Data request Form TRIM REFERENCES Container AB2012/715 Record number C2012/9300 Hobart (5010) - Building 5 - Room 5GS69 (CMAR MNF) - Compactus 1 On-line Documentation: - ss2012_t05_Bridge_logs.pdf - ss2012_t05_Computing_Report.pdf - ss2012_t05_CTD_logs.pdf - ss2012_t05_Data_Rq_form.pdf - ss2012_t05_Electronics_Report.pdf - ss2012_t05_EOV_form.pdf - ss2012_t05_Hourly_logs.pdf - ss2012_t05_Nutrient_logs.pdf - ss2012_t05_plan.pdf - ss2012_t05_Salinity_log.pdf - ss2012_t05_Swath_logs.pdf - Recommended MarLIN title, Links and On-line Documentation list have been written to /home/mnf/processedVoyageData/RV_Southern_Surveyor/ss2012_t05/global_docs/SS2012_T05MarLIN_Raw_Links_Report.txt. Links in this record are for PROCESSING STAFF ONLY. Scientific staff may request copies via Documentation is on the internal network: \processedVoyageData [voyage] \global_docs The raw data will be archived by the CSIRO Data Access Portal in 2015.

  • This product (i.e. an Access database and csv files) contains data (longitude, latitude and physical data) that explains the predicted spatial patterns of benthic habitats for demersal fish and benthic invertebrates in the SWMR. Predicted patterns for habitats represent point data on a 0.01 decimal degree grid covering most of the SWMR (approximately 400,000 square km).

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    This product (i.e. Access data base) contains data (longitudes, latitude and biodiversity attribute variables) that describes the predicted spatial patterns of total species abundance, species richness and species evenness for both benthic invertebrates and demersal fish in the SWMR. The predicted patterns are represent as point data arranged on a 0.1 degree grid (~ 1.2 km2) covering depths 50-1500 metres in the SWMR.

  • This record describes multibeam echosounder data collected on RV Investigator voyage IN2017_T02, 'Collaborative Australian Postgraduate Sea Training Alliance Network (CAPSTAN): Training the Next Generation of Marine Scientists'. The voyage took place between November 14 and November 26, 2017 departing from Fremantle (WA) and arriving in Hobart (TAS). The Kongsberg EM122 multibeam echosounder was used to acquire seafloor bathymetry, backscatter information for a total of 3054 km primarily for surveying the bottom of the canyons in the sampling area and also in deep water >1000m on the transit back to Hobart. The EM122 provides a 1 degree by 1 degree angular resolution. The echosounder's nominal frequency is 12 kHz. Data are stored in *.all raw format for bathymetry and backscatter at CSIRO. There are 213 files totalling 7.46 GB of raw data in this dataset. Sound velocity profiles were applied to this data during data acquisition. Bathymetry data contained in *.all format are corrected for motion and position. Tide corrections were not applied to the processed data. Processed data had outliers removed. Processed line data are available in *.gsf and ascii format. Additional information regarding this dataset, including information on processing streams, is contained in the GSM data acquisition and processing report. Additional data products may be available on request.