This record describes biological samples collected from the Marine National Facility RV Investigator Voyage IN2015_V03 Titled: "Submesoscale processes – billows and eddies - along the productive shelf by the East Australian Current". The voyage took place between 3rd and 18th June, 2015 departing Brisbane (QLD) and arriving in Sydney (NSW). EZ net zooplankton and micronekton samples were collected in the top 0-500 m or 0-100 m water column. Half was size fractionated and size fractions dried for the biomass spectra reconstruction and stable isotope measurements; remaining half of the sample was preserved in the 4% seawater formaldehyde solution for subsequent laboratory taxonomic analyses. Both dried and preserved samples are taken by Prof. E.A. Pakhomov to the University of the British Columbia for subsequent analyses. A total of 63 samples were fixed in formalin, 1020 dried samples, 30 stations.
Prawn larval densities were calculated from stepped oblique bottom to surface plankton tows, deployed during monthly cruises carried out at twenty-one stations in Albatross Bay, Gulf of Carpentaria. Cruises were undertaken between March 1986 and April 1992. Penaeid prawn counts were recorded to species level (Penaeus spp.) for all observed larval stages. Sampling used a stepped-oblique tow, using a 0.5 x 0.5 square metre frame with 140-142 micron mesh. Salinity-temperature profiles were also recorded during the cruise.
This record is an overview entry for biological data collected on Diamantina cruise Dm 2/62. This cruise took place in the south-east Indian Ocean during 16 July to 25 August 1962, under the leadership of B. Hamon. Biological data collected on this cruise include primary production rates; pigment samples; and zooplankton biomass. Please note: This metadata record is a preliminary entry derived from information in the cruise report. Individual data types - which may span several cruises - will be indexed separately within this metadata system in due course.
This record is an overview entry for biological data collected on Diamantina cruise Dm 5/65. This cruise took place in the east Indian Ocean off Western Australia during 10 August to 10 September 1964, under the leadership of B. Newell. Biological data collected on this cruise include primary production rates, particulate matter (carbon, carbohydrate, protein and phosphorus) samples and zooplankton (samples sent to the Indian Biological Centre, Cochin, India for taxonomic studies). Please note: This metadata record is a preliminary entry derived from information in the cruise report. Individual data types - which may span several cruises - will be indexed separately within this metadata system in due course.
Total zooplankton biomass levels were calculated from stepped oblique bottom to surface plankton tows, deployed during monthly cruises carried out at twenty-one stations in Albatross Bay, Gulf of Carpentaria. Cruises were undertaken between March 1986 and April 1992. Total zooplankton biomass were calculated as grams dry weight. Sampling used a stepped-oblique tow, using a 0.5 x 0.5 square metre frame with either a 140-142 micron mesh (sampler_code = 'A'), or a 250 micron mesh (sampler_code='E')
Prawn larval densities were calculated from stepped oblique bottom to surface plankton tows, deployed during monthly cruises carried out between March 1986 and April 1992, at twenty-one stations in Albatross Bay, Gulf of Carpentaria. Penaeid prawn counts were recorded to genus level (Penaeus spp.) for all observed larval stages. Salinity-temperature profiles were also recorded during the cruise.
Acoustic data (120 kHz), CTD, fluorometer & light meter data, zooplankton samples with a 333 um mesh net (vertical hauls). Survey off Ningaloo Reef, Western Australia, 4-11 May 2001. Samples collected on onshore-offshore transects with acoustic data sampled between stations. CTD stations at 25, 50, 75 & 100 m depths; plankton samples at 25, 50 & 100 m. Samples also directed at acoustic targets, whale sharks, feeding fishes, etc.
Fortnightly sampling of juvenile prawns took place over six years (1986-1992). These samples were mainly taken from the Embley River and Albatross Bay, plus one set that were taken from the Wenlock and Archer Rivers. Samples were collected using beam trawls, plankton nets and set nets. Data recorded include species and length frequency. As part of this project, monthly temperature and salinity measurements were also taken from transects in the Embley River. These data are often referred to as the "Embley River Hydro Dataset".
Zooplankton biomass data have been collected in Australian waters since the 1930s, yet most datasets have been unavailable to the research community. We have searched archives, contacted researchers, and scanned the primary and grey literature to collate this dataset of marine zooplankton biomass from Australian waters, within the geographical extents of 0-60S, 100-160E. Many of these are small-scale datasets , when combined, they provide over 85 years of large-scale zooplankton community biomass data for Australian waters from 1932 to the present. The data have been standardised, erroneous data removed, and all metadata included. We have lodged this dataset with the Australian Ocean Data Network (, allowing full public access. The Australian Zooplankton Biomass Database will be invaluable for global change studies, research assessing trophic level linkages, and for initialising and assessing biogeochemical and ecosystem models of lower marine trophic levels. A snapshot of the Australian Zooplankton Biomass Database as of early 2020 (2020-04) has been assigned a DOI and will be maintained in perpetuity by the Australian Ocean Data Network (AODN). The ongoing version of this database will be freely available through the AODN Portal ( in the near future. The relevant dataset at AODN is described here: This is the bibliographic reference for the dataset and the AODN metadata record that describes it: McEnnulty FR, Davies CH, Armstrong AO, Atkins N, Coman F, Clementson L, Edgar S, Eriksen RS, Everett JD, Koslow JA, Longborg C, McKinnon AD, Miller M, O’Brien TD, Pausina SA, Uribe-Palomino J, Rochester W, Rothlisberg PC, Slotwinski A, Strzelecki J, Suthers IM, Swadling KM, Tonks ML, van Ruth PD, Young JW, Richardson AJ (2019), The Australian Zooplankton Biomass Database (1932 - 2019). Australian Ocean Data Network - DOI: 10.26198/5c4170d42ab24 (
These data comprise measurements of surface temperature, salinity and phosphate from sea surface samples collected by an officer of CSIRO Division of Fisheries & Oceanography on board a routine supply voyage to Antarctica by the Antarctic Division's vessel M.V. "Magga Dan" in January-March 1959. Pigment samples (chlorophylls a, b, c and astacin) and CO2 uptake (productivity) were also measured at 0 and 25m depth at some stations, along with dry weights of zooplankton (plus phytoplankton) in 100m-to-surface plankton net tows. Phytoplankton counts were also stated to have been made although no data appear in the published list. The data were published in CSIRO's "Oceanographic Station List" series in 1960.