
Earth Science | Atmosphere | Atmospheric Chemistry | Carbon And Hydrocarbon Compounds | Carbon Monoxide

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    The CSIRO Global Atmospheric Sampling Laboratory (GASLAB) Flask Sampling Network archive for the atmospheric trace gas carbon monoxide (CO) concentrations. GASLAB principally analyzes air samples that have been captured at eleven fixed geographic sites and one moving (aircraft over bass strait and Cape Grim), but also includes other sites at various locations globally on a less regular or as needed basis. The flask air sample is analyzed for the 5 atmospheric trace gases Methane (CH4), Carbon Dioxide (CO2), Carbon Monoxide (CO), Hydrogen (H2) and N2O (Nitrous Oxide). Data about the relative concentrations of these are particularly important for Global Warming studies as CO2 and CH4 are the two most effective anthropogenic greenhouse gases; CO and H2 influencing concentrations of the hydroxyl radical (OH), thereby affecting the main sink for atmospheric CH4. H2 is produced in a sequence of reactions following the reaction of OH with CH4. Measurements of CO oncentrations are made through the use of a Gas Chromatograph with a mercuric oxide reduction gas detector “RGA3-1” (R1). There are 6 differant types of flask that are used to store and transport air samples from site and in the labratory:(i) glass 0.5 litre ("G050"), (ii) glass 5.0 litre ("G500"), (iii) glass 0.8 litre ("G080"), (iv) electropolished stainless steel 1.6 litre "Sirocans" ("S160"), (v) glass 2.0 litre, 1 stopcopck ("F", "FF", "FA", "FE", "EP", ALT"), (vi) glass 2.0 litre, 2 stopcocks(“M1”, “S”, “P2”, “TEMP”). Files containing a single species value for each sample are denoted by a filename of the form (XXX_XXXX_event.XXX), for the geographically fixed sites data is also provided in the form of monthly means (e.g. XXX_XXXX_mm.XXX) with all fies being in ascii format.

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    The CSIRO archive of the Advanced Global Atmospheric Gases Experiment (AGAGE) datasets. The AGAGE project is part of the powerful global observing system that has been continuously measuring the composition of the atmosphere at high frequency from chosen coastal sites around the world, providing accurate measurements of trace gases whose lifetimes are long compared to global atmospheric circulation times. This particular dataset represents measurements taken utilizing GC-MD (Gas Chromatograph Multiple Detector) type of instrumentation which contains Electron Capture Detectors (ECD), Flame Ionization Detector (FID) & Mercuric oxide Reduction Detector (MRD). Utilising these it is possible to accurately measure the five biogenic/anthropogenic gases (CH4,N2O,CHCl3,CO & H2) and five anthropogenic gases (CCl3F, CCl2F2, CH3CCl3, CCl2FCClF2 & CCl4). This coupled with the GC-MS dataset covers almost all of the important trace gas species in the Montreal Protocol (e.g. halocarbons such as bromocarbons, CFCs and HCFCs) to protect the ozone layer and almost all of the significant non-CO2 gases in the Kyoto Protocol (e.g. HFCs, methane, and nitrous oxide) to mitigate climate change. AGAGE is the expansion and continuation of the Atmospheric Life Experiment(ALE) 1978-1981 and the Global Atmospheric Gases Experiment(GAGE) 1981-1985. Participating AGAGE stations include Cape Grim (Tasmania), Mace Head (Ireland), Ragged Point (Barbados), Cape Matatula (Samoa) & Trinidad Head (California), with urban stations at SIO (La Jolla, California) and CMAR(Aspendale, Australia). Data is available in yearly files either in Ascii (.C), Ascii decimal date(.C.Dat) or binary file format(.bin). It is also available in a processed form (Courtesy of the Georgia Institute of Technology) to include a Polluted data flag in the decimal date version only. AGAGE also collaborates with the System for Observation of Halogenated Greenhouse Gases in Europe (SOGE), through transfer of AGAGE calibrations and sharing of AGAGE technology, placing AGAGE and SOGE data on common calibration scales with comparable precisions, accuracy and measurement frequency. Soge contributing stations are Monte Simone (Italy), Jungfraujoch (Switzerland), & Ny-Alesund-zeppelin (Norway). AGAGE's network also includes Hateruma Island Japan through a co-operative agreement with the Japanese National Institute for Environmental Studies (NIES). The other two collaborative stations are at Shangdianzi, China and Gosan, Jeju Island, South Korea. Shangdianzi started measuring ozone-depleting trace gases and greenhouses gases in 2006, and is a part of SOGE-A project. The Gosan station, started in late 2007, is operated by Seoul National University (SNU).

  • This record describes the atmospheric greenhouse data acquired by a continuous wave Quantum Cascading Laser (QCL) analyser (QC-TILDAS, Aerodyne Research Inc., USA) collected on the Marine National Facility RV Investigator Event voyage IN2015_E01. This is a trial voyage for the RV Investigator departing Hobart on the 29 Jan 2015 and returning to Hobart on the 19 Feb 2015. It is an atmospheric greenhouse gas analyser for measuring nitrous oxide, carbon monoxide and water vapour in air. This instrument is an MNF procurement. The air is partially dried with a refrigerated dryer (5oC) to avoid potential condensation in the sample lines, valve and instrument. Measurements are extrapolated to dry air mole fractions. Calibrations are conducted pre and post each voyage and at a monthly interval for extended voyages. Calibrations are conducted in-situ with three calibrated air standards. An automated daily reference gas sample is also conducted (15 minutes).

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    The CSIRO Bayside Air Quality Station datasets contain measurements of important urban air pollutants for the period of June 2004 to the present day measured in the atmosphere at the CSIRO Aspendale measuring station. There are variables for both chemical (gases such as carbon monoxide(CO), nitrogen oxides (NO, NO2, NOx), sulfur dioxide(SO2) & ozone(O3)) and physical properties (particulate mass measurements: size<10µm(Pm10), size<2.5µm(Pm2.5), size<100nm(UFP)). Variable data is logged on a minutely basis and is available in daily-average annual and hourly-average monthly excel spreadsheet formats. The Bayside Air Quality Station is located at CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research (CMAR) Aspendale, Victoria (38° 01' 41" South, 145° 01' 48" East)

  • This record describes data from the Spectronus - Trace gas analyser based on Fourier Transform Infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) collected on the Marine National Facility RV Investigator Event voyage IN2015_E01. This was a trial voyage for the RV Investigator departing Hobart on the 29th January and returning to Hobart on the 18th of February, 2015. The Spectronus - Trace gas analyser based on Fourier Transform Infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) is manufactured by Ecotech and the University of Wollongong. It makes continuous online measurements of carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O), carbon monoxide (CO) and isotopologue del13C(CO2).

  • This record describes the End of Voyage archive from the Marine National Facility RV Investigator trial voyage IN2015_E04 Titled: Trace Metals and Micronutrients. This voyage departed Hobart on the 25th April and returned to Hobart on the 28th April, 2015. Data collected includes Underway (UWY), Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP: 75, 150 kHz), SST Radiometer, Atmospheric data (Absorption Photometer, Nephelometer, Ozone, Radon), Greenhouse data (Aerodyne and Picarro), Underway pCO2, Echosounders (12, 18, 38, 70, 120, 200, 333, kHz), Multibeam (EM122, EM710, ME70 and SBP120) and Trace Metal Rosette (TMR) data. The EOV paper documentation - Multibeam (EM120, EM710 and SBP120) is archived c/o the Data Centre in Hobart and the location entered in the records management system TRIM, reference "in2015_e04". Voyage documentation including paper logs and elogs is archived electronically and accessible via the local network "global_docs" archive location. The archive for the IN2015_E04 EOV data will be held temporarily within the CSIRO Oceans and Atmosphere Data Centre in Hobart with a permanent archive to be located at the CSIRO Data Access Portal (DAP) with access to participants and processors of the data collected on the Marine National Facility RV Investigator IN2015_E04.

  • This record describes the End of Voyage (EOV) archive from the Marine National Facility RV Investigator trial voyage IN2015_E05 - Geoscience, testing equipment and developing procedures. This trial voyage took place from Hobart to Hobart departing on the 1st May and returning on the 5th May, 2015. Data collected included Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP)-(75, 150 KHz), Underway (UWY), SST Radiometer, Atmospheric data (Absorption Photometer, Nephelometer, Ozone and Radon), Greenhouse data (Aerodyne and Picarro), Underway pCO2, Echosounders (18, 38, 70, 120, 200, 333 kHz), Multibeam (EM122, EM710, ME70 and SBP120) and XBT. The EOV paper documentation - Multibeam: EM122, EM710, SBP120, XBT Logs and GSM pre-voyage checklist, were scanned, archived and entered in the records management system TRIM, reference "in2015_e05". ELOG files were generated as .csv and archived. All voyage documentation is archived c/o the Data Centre in Hobart available electronically to MNF support via the local network "global_docs". Access to voyage documentation for non CSIRO participants can be made via The archive for the IN2015_E05 EOV data will be held temporarily within the CSIRO Oceans and Atmosphere Data Centre in Hobart with a permanent archive to be located at the CSIRO Data Access Portal (DAP), providing access to participants and processors of the data collected on the Marine National Facility RV Investigator IN2015_E05

  • This record describes the End of Voyage (EOV) archive from the Marine National Facility RV Investigator Charter Voyage IN2015_C02, titled "Great Australian Bight (GAB) deep-water pelagic and benthic ecosystem study." This charter voyage from Port Lincoln (SA) to Fremantle (WA) took place between November 30th and December 22nd, 2015. Data collected: Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP, 150 KHz), Lowered ADCP (LADCP), CTD, Gravity, EZnet, Hydrology, Atmospheric (Ozone, Radon), Greenhouse (Aerodyne, Picarro), Underway, pCO2, Echosounders (EK60 -18, 38, 70, 120, 200, 333 KHz), Multibeam (EM122, EM710, ME70), SMPS (Scanning Mobility Particle Sizer Spectrometer), XBT and video. Other Data Collected: Multiple Opening Closing Net System (MIDOC), Simrad WideBand Autonomous Transceiver (WBAT, 55 and 90KHz Broadband echosounder on CTD), Profiling Acoustic and Optical System (pLAOS), Integrated Coring Platform (ICP), Isaacs Kid midwater trawl (IKMT), Laser Optical Particle Counter (LOPC), Fisheries/bioacoustics echosounder (EK80), Molecular sequence analyses (Bayesian Evolutionary Analysis Sampling Trees - BEAST). EOV paper documentation: the CTD, XBT and Hydrology logs were scanned, archived and entered in the records management system TRIM, reference "in2015_c02." ELOG files were generated in .csv format. All voyage documentation is archived at the CSIRO Oceans and Atmosphere Information and Data Centre in Hobart, available electronically to MNF support via the local network "global_docs." Access to voyage documentation for non-CSIRO participants can be made via The archive for the IN2015_C02 EOV data will be held temporarily within the Data Centre in Hobart, with a permanent archive to be located at the CSIRO Data Access Portal (, providing access to participants and processors of the data collected on the Marine National Facility RV Investigator voyage IN2015_C02.

  • This record describes the End of Voyage (EOV) archive from the Marine National Facility RV Investigator trial voyage IN2015_E01 - Cold Water Trial voyage (including Atmospherics). This voyage took place from Hobart to Hobart from the 29th January to 18th February 2015 and went to 65 degrees south. The voyage objectives included testing the cold water and atmospheric operations; the collection and processing of data and samples to test laboratories, facilities and on board systems; specific testing and checks of aerosol sampling mast, aerosol laboratory and air-chemistry laboratory. Geophysical Survey Mapping data collection, including instrument calibrations, testing of equipment and deployments of XBTs. Data Acquisition operations including the integration and test of underway instruments, new atmospheric instruments and drop keel instrumentation. Data collected included Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP)(75, 150 KHz), Underway (UWY), Gravity, SST Radiometer, Atmospheric data (Absorption Photometer, Nephelometer, Ozone and Radon), Greenhouse data (Aerodyne and Picarro), Underway pCO2, Echosounders (12, 18, 38, 70, 120, 200, 333, Bridge 200 KHz), Multibeam (EM122, EM710, ME70 and SBP120), Deep Towed Camera (DTC), Baited Remote Underwater Video System (BRUVS) and XBT. Additional Aerosol data collected included TSI 3772 Condensation Particle Counter (CPC), 3787, Time of flight aerosol chemical speciation monitor (ToF-ACSM), Cloud Condensation Nuclei Counter (CCN), Spectronus - trace gas analyser based on Fourier Transform Infrared spectrometry (FTIR), Long Scanning Mobility Particle Size (longSMPS), Nano Scanning Mobility Particle Size (nanoSMPS), Neutral Cluster Air Ion Spectrometer (NAIS), Proton Transfer Reaction Mass Spectrometer (PTR-MS), PTRMS_AUX, Radiosondes_balloons, Sequencer (SEQ) and Volatility Hygroscopicity Tandem Differential Mobility Analyser (VHTDMA). The EOV paper documentation - Multibeam (EM122, EM710, ME70 and SBP120), Gravity Meter and XBT logs are scanned, archived and entered in the records management system TRIM, reference "in2015_e01". ELOG files are generated as .csv and archived. All voyage documentation is archived c/o the Data Centre in Hobart available electronically to MNF support via the local network "global_docs". Access to voyage documentation for non CSIRO participants can be made via The archive for the IN2015_E01 EOV data will be held temporarily within the CSIRO Oceans and Atmosphere Data Centre in Hobart with a permanent archive to be located at the CSIRO Data Access Portal (DAP), providing access to participants and processors of the data collected on the Marine National Facility RV Investigator IN2015_E01.

  • This record describes the End of Voyage (EOV) archive from the Marine National Facility (MNF) RV Investigator Charter Voyage IN2015_C01, titled: "Great Australian Bight (GAB) deep water geological and benthic ecology program". The voyage took place from Hobart (TAS) to Port Lincoln (SA) between October 22 and November 28, 2015. For further information refer to the Voyage documentation links below. Data collected include: Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler ADCP: 75, 150 KHz, CTD, Gravity, Hydrology, Atmospheric data: Absorption Photometer, Nephelometer, Ozone, Radon, Greenhouse data: Aerodyne, Picarro, Underway, pCO2, Echosounders: EK60 (18, 38, 70, 120, 200, 333,KHz), Multibeam: EM122, EM710, and SBP120, XBT, USBL, SMPS (Scanning Mobility Particle Sizer Spectrometer-3936), heat flow probe, magnetometer, Deep Towed Camera (DTC) and video. The archive for the IN2015_C01 EOV raw data is curated by the CSIRO Oceans and Atmosphere (O&A) Information and Data Centre (IDC) in Hobart, with a permanent archive at the CSIRO Data Access Portal (DAP,, providing access to participants and processors of the data collected in the voyage. All voyage documentation is available electronically to MNF support via the local network. Access to voyage documentation for non-CSIRO participants can be made via