In the planing of the construction of a gas pipeline from Longford in Victoria to Bell Bay in Tasmania by Duke Energy International various environmental approvals were required from the Tasmanian, Victorian and Commonwealth Governments in Australia. CSIRO Marine Research conducted a photographic inspection and took dredge samples of the seafloor at points along the proposed pipeline route to provide input to these environmental assessments.The marine section of the route runs from Seaspray (Vic) through to Five Mile Bluff (Tas). The survey method and results are provided in the form of a 'data report' . see link below.
This record is an overview entry for biological data collected on Soela cruise SO 3/82. This cruise took place in the North West Shelf during 5-23 June 1982, under the leadership of Peter Young. Biological data collected on this cruise include 322 dredge samples for sedimentological analysis. Remote TV recordings and colour photography of fauna and bottom ripple marks. Acoustic data to correlate with sediment analyses and visual survey.(derived from the cruise report) - Biological Field Data Sheets recorded during this voyage have been scanned to PDF, and are available (to CSIRO Staff) on-line. See the details link under "Stored Media List" (below). The sheets for this voyage include Sediment Sampling Positions and Textural Data, and Deck Logs only.
Three FRV Southern Surveyor cruises took place in the Gulf of Carpentaria: SS3/90 (108 stations), SS5/91 (80 stations) and SS1/93 (80 stations). Samples were collected in fish trawls and dredges and sediment samples were taken. Temperature and salinity data were also collected.
This record is an overview entry for biological data collected on Diamantina cruise Dm 4/64. This cruise took place in the Indian Ocean off Western Australia during 20-29 July 1964, under the leadership of T. Cowper. Biological data collected on this cruise include phyllosoma and puerulus (Panulirus longipes cygnus) larvae samples and other panulirids and genera for distribution and growth studies. The remainder of the benthic samples were sorted into phyla and sent to the WA Museum. Sediment samples and bottom photography were also obtained for geological studies. Please note: This metadata record is a preliminary entry derived from information in the cruise report. Individual data types - which may span several cruises - will be indexed separately within this metadata system in due course.
This record describes the collections of benthic biota (and their derived data) from one Marine National Facility charter voyage conducted under Project 4 - Benthic biota of volcanic seamounts, seeps and canyons of the GAB - of the Great Australian Bight Deepwater Marine Program (GABDMP): IN2015_C01. A key objective for which is to characterise the composition, abundance and distributions of benthic fauna (seabed animals) associated with volcanic seamounts, canyon and seep zone habitats in in ~1000-5000 m depth, within and adjacent to the Chevron lease areas in the GAB. Benthic biota samples were taken at 6 potential seep, 5 volcanic seamount, and 3 deep outcropping rock sites. Epibenthic biota were collected using the beam trawl, epibenthic sled and rock dredge; macro-infauna were extracted by elutriation of sediment collections taken using the ICP and the Smith-MacIntyre grab. The invertebrate specimens were identified to operational taxonomic units (OTU) and photographed on board and shipped to Museum Victoria, from where selected taxa were distributed to taxonomic experts for identification. Macro-infauna samples were sorted to OTU in the lab and specimens treated the same as epifauna for further identification. Specimens were distributed to various Museum collections (including SAMA, NMV, AMS) for registration and curation. All fishes were identified to OTU on board and shipped to the Australian national Fish Collection (ANFC) where they were registered and databased. A series of workshops were held bringing together fish expert taxonomists to identify the collection and distribute representative sub-collections to various museums. Taxa targeted for detailed taxonomic identification are: sponges, anemones, octocorals, polychaetes, molluscs, echinoderms, crustacea (select groups), pycnogonids and fishes.
This record is an overview entry for biological data collected on Diamantina cruise Dm 6/63. This cruise took place in the Indian Ocean off Western Australia during 5-12 October 1963, under the leadership of R. Chittleborough. Biological data collected on this cruise include phyllosoma and puerulus (Panulirus longipes cygnus) larvae samples and other crustaceans including scyllarids to measure their distribution and density. The remainder of the benthic samples were sorted into phyla and sent to the WA Museum. Sediment samples and bottom photography were also obtained for geological studies. Please note: This metadata record is a preliminary entry derived from information in the cruise report. Individual data types - which may span several cruises - will be indexed separately within this metadata system in due course.
The benthic invertebrate, plant and fish biodiversity of the 50,000 km² area of the Torres Strait Protected Zone and adjacent shelf seabed was sampled by a 200 m tow of a 1.5 m epibenthic sled at 166 sites, representing a wide range of known physical environments, during one 1-month-long voyage on the James Cook University vessel James Kirby. More than 1,550 species/species-equivalent OTUs (operational taxonomic units) were identified. The dataset comprises 8,569 site-by-species records. A pipe-dredge was attached to the sled to collect sediment samples: a 500 ml subsample was processed for particle size and carbonate by Geoscience Australia; another 500 ml subsample was sieved on 1 mm mesh and preserved in 10% Formalin - Rose Bengal solution.
This record describes the biological survey data (species IDs and catch compositions) collected during the NORFANZ voyage on the Norfolk Ridge and Lord Howe Rise in the Tasman Sea between Australia and New Zealand, in May-June 2003. Fourteen seamount and slope sites were sampled, 10 on the Norfolk Ridge and 4 on the Lord Howe Rise. A total of 168 operations were completed, including 144 trawl-sled-dredge shots, in depths ranging from less than 100 m to over 2000 m. Gear types included bottom trawls, midwater trawl, beam trawl, epibenthic sleds, and rock and pipe dredges. The dataset contains records of 1,622 macroinvertebrate species or provisional species units in 15 phyla, and 582 fish species in 122 families, and is expected to include a significant percentage of species new to science. Species identifications received from expert taxonomists received up to 2012 have been integrated into the catch data that are archived by the CSIRO Data Centre and available through the CSIRO Marine data trawler. Specimens are all lodged in Australian and New Zealand museum collections Accompanying these survey data are photographs and, in some cases, voucher specimens which are described in separate metadata records. To date at least 21 taxonomic revisions and species descriptions used material collected in this survey.
This record is an overview entry for biological data collected on Soela cruise SO 4/82. This cruise took place in the North West Shelf during 25 July - 23 August 1982, under the leadership of Keith Sainsbury and G. West. Biological data collected on this cruise include lobsters and prawns from prawn trawls, and fish from trawls. Samples for ageing, reproduction and gut analysis were obtained from 8 lutjanid and 4 carangid species. Approximately 80 shark samples, 200 Lethrinus nematocanthus and 100 Scolopsis regina were obtained, and squid samples when caught. Benthic invertebrate samples for the Western Australian Museum and dredge samples to augment existing data.(derived from the cruise report) - Biological data is available via Data Trawler. - Biological Field Data Sheets recorded during this voyage have been scanned to PDF, and are available on-line at
Work on this catalogue began in February 2009, and is on-going. The catalogue provides a brief description of a collection of Biological Field Data Sheets held in the O&A Bio-Data compactus No. 1 in the Hobart Marine Laboratories Block 1 Store. The compactus has six bays, and holds research vessel log sheets collected in: 1950s - Vessel Logs including biological observations + Pearl shell measurements. 1960s - Vessel Logs including biological observations + commercial Tuna and Northern Prawn. 1970s, 1980s and 1990s - Vessel Logs including biological observations. There are a few papers relating to data collected as early as 1938. Each folder of field data sheets will have a TRIM record created, then be scanned to PDF and made available via this record or the related voyage metadata record. The final aim of the project is to have a Marlin record for each data set, and as the need arises, have individual CMAR projects transcribe the data, and then add these data to the CMAR Data Warehouse.