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  • This product (i.e. an Access database and csv files) contains data (longitude, latitude and physical data) that explains the predicted spatial patterns of benthic habitats for demersal fish and benthic invertebrates in the NWMR. Predicted patterns for habitats represent point data on a 0.01 decimal degree grid covering most of the NWMR (approximately 600,000 square km).

  • This product (i.e. an Access database and csv files) contains data (longitude, latitude and physical data) that explains the predicted spatial patterns of benthic habitats for demersal fish and benthic invertebrates in the NMR. Predicted patterns for habitats represent point data on a 0.01 decimal degree grid covering most of the NMR (approximately 400,000 square km).

  • This product (i.e. an Access database and csv files) contains data (longitude, latitude and physical data) that explains the predicted spatial patterns of benthic habitats for demersal fish and benthic invertebrates in the SWMR. Predicted patterns for habitats represent point data on a 0.01 decimal degree grid covering most of the SWMR (approximately 400,000 square km).

  • Total zooplankton biomass (g dry weight) were recorded from stepped oblique bottom to surface plankton tows, using a 140-142 micron net. The data also includes a corrected biomass value, allowing comparisons to be made with later data collected using a 250 micron net size. Data were collected during nine cruises that took place between 1975 and 1977 on chartered boats and the "Kalinda". Related datasets include the counts of prawn larvae from these tows.

  • The biomass and species composition of tropical phytoplankton in Albatross Bay, Gulf of Carpentaria, northern Australia, were examined monthly for six years between March 1986 and April 1992. Phytoplankton taxonomic groups were identified to genus level, and described as dominant, common or rare. Refer to the cited publication for detailed methodology.

  • The biomass and species composition of tropical zooplankton in Albatross Bay, Gulf of Carpentaria, northern Australia, were examined monthly for three years between March 1986 and March 1988. Zooplankton taxonomic groups were identified to species level where possible, with a primary focus on copepods. Abundance data are assumed to be numbers per cubic metre, but this has yet to be confirmed. Sampling occurred across 5 sites (Site 1 = Inshore, Site 5 = Offshore, Sites progressed westward). Temperature and salinity were also recorded for many samples (see

  • Monthly cruises were carried out between March 1986 and April 1992, at twenty-one stations in Albatross Bay, Gulf of Carpentaria. Prawn larval densities were calculated from stepped oblique bottom to surface plankton tows. Salinity-temperature profiles were also recorded. There is also data showing zooplankton biomass in Albatross Bay for both wet and dry seasons.

  • Gulf of Carpentaria prawn larval densities, recorded from stepped oblique bottom to surface plankton tows, using a 140-142 micron net. This dataset includes counts of Penaeid prawn larvae from the genus Penaeus and Metapenaeus only. Larvae of these genus were identified to species-level where possible, and are grouped by the seven stages of larval development (Protozoea 1-3, Mysis 1-3, Postlavae). Correction factors for depth and swept area are included, to allow calculation of estimates of prawn larval densities in standardised units (numbers per square metre, and numbers per cubic metre). These data are the result of nine cruises that took place between 1975 and 1978 on chartered boats and the "Kalinda". Prawn larval biomass and densities were measured in several transects across the Gulf of Carpentaria, as well as total plankton biomass.

  • Gulf of Carpentaria prawn larval densities, recorded from stepped oblique bottom to surface plankton tows, using a 140-142 micron net. This dataset includes counts of all Penaeid prawn larvae, identified to genus-level where possible, and includes stage of larval development (Protozoea 1-3, Mysis 1-3, Postlavae). Correction factors for depth and swept area are included, to allow calculation of estimates of prawn larval densities in standardised units (numbers per square metre, and numbers per cubic metre). These data are the result of nine cruises that took place between 1975 and 1978 on chartered boats and the "Kalinda". Prawn larval biomass and densities were measured in several transects across the Gulf of Carpentaria, as well as total plankton biomass.

  • Monthly cruises were carried out between March 1986 and April 1992, at forty three stations in Albatross Bay, Gulf of Carpentaria. Salinity-temperature profiles were recorded at all larval [zooplankton] sampling stations using a submersible data logger (CSIRO/Yeo-Kal SDL®). The SDL was deployed by dropping to the bottom, and retrieving slowly such that the temperature, salinity and depth were recorded approximately every 1-2 metres. The data have been processed to remove the spurious records at the start (before logger entered the water) and end (after removal from the water) of the profile.