This water quality time-series dataset was collected between late August 2017 and Mid March 2018 as the primary deliverable of a the Gold Coast Triathlon Monitoring Project between Gold Coast City Council and CSIRO. Data was collected by a suite of instruments deployed onto a CSIRO-owned buoy that was moored in the Broadwater lagoon in the planned location of the Triathlon event of the 2008 Commonwealth Games. The instrument output was sampled at 10 minute intervals by a Campbell Scientific data logger and stored in logger memory. CSIRO Coastal Monitoring sensor-data service polled the logger at regular intervals to fetch the latest data for visualisation and analysis. This dataset consists of the raw data accumulated by the CSIRO Coastal Monitoring sensor data service. It is raw data, and has not been cleaned of any glitches or adjusted to allow for calibration changes. This dataset contains time series data from the following instruments: ====================================================== EXO Sonde built-in data sources: ------------------------------------------ 1.a EXO_BatV => Battery voltage for the EXO Sonde power source. 1.b EXO_Depthm => Water depth in metres (m) Measured using a differential strain gauge transducer measures pressure with one side of the transducer exposed to the water and the other side exposed to a vacuum. Initially calibrated in Atmosphere: output can be affected by local barometric pressure, water density and temperature. EXO Wiped Conductivity and Temperature Sensor: ---------------------------------------------------------------- Ref: 2.a EXO_TempC => Water Temperature in degrees celsius. Direct measurement using a thermistor-type sensor. 2.b EXO_SpCondmScm => Specific Conductance in milli-siemens per centimetre (ms/cm). Measured via a 4-electrode nickel-cell sensor, using a calibrated cell constance to convert absolute conductance to specific. Compensated to a 25 degree reference temperature. 2.c EXO_Salpsu => Salinity in Practical Salinity Units (PSU) Calculated from the conductivity and temperature readings according to algorithms found in Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater (ed. 1989) PSU measurements are in reference to the conductivity of standard seawater at 15 °C. EXO Turbidity Smart Sensor ----------------------------------- Ref: 3.a EXO_TurbFNU => Turbidity in formazin nephelometric units (FNU) Measured by detection of scattering at 80 degrees of a near-infrared light source. 3.b EXO_TurbNTU => Turbitidy in nephelometric turbidity units (NTU) Calculated from the Turbidity FNU via a calibrated conversion factor. 3.c EXO_TSSmgL => Total Suspended Solids in milligrams per Litre (mg/L) Calculated from the Turbidity FNU value via a calibrated conversion factor. EXO pH and OPR Smart Sensor ---------------------------------------- Ref: 4.a EXO_pHmV => Potential difference (in mV) across the pH sensor electrode. Measured using a glass combination electrode with a stable solution of known pH on the inside and the sample being measured on the outside. 4.b EXO_pH => pH in standard pH Units where 7.0 is neutral; < 7 is acidic; > 7 is alkaline. Calculated from the pHmV measurement. 4.c EXO_ORPmV => Oxidising-Reducing Potential of the water sample in millivolts (mV) Measured using a platinum button electrode. Detects high concentrations of redox-active species including metal salts, chlorine, sulfite ions etc. Refects all dissolved species in the medium: requires site-specific information to determine which are present. EXO Optical Dissolved Oxygen Smart Sensor --------------------------------------------------------- Ref: 5.a EXO_DOmgL => Dissolved Oxygen in milligrams per Litre Measured using an optical luminescence sensor 5.b EXO_DOPerSat => Dissolved Oxygen as % saturation. Calculated from the raw DO measurement, corrected for temperature and local barometric pressure at the time of callibration. ( local mmHg / 760 mmHg ) x 100 = %Sat EXO Total Algae PE Smart Sensor ------------------------------------------- Ref: Note: The Algal sensors have NOT been completely calibrated to local conditions. This data may be used as an estimate of comparative concentrations, but should not be relied on as a numerical value for testing against a threshold. 6.a EXO_ChlRFU => Chlorophyll concentration in Relative Fluorescence Units (RFU) Measured using an optical fluorescence sensor with a blue excitation beam that excites the chlorophyll molecure present in all photosynthetic cells. Calibrated relative to a stable secondary standard, such as Rhodamine WT dye. 6.b EXO_ChlugL => Chlorophyll concentration in micro-grams per Litre (µg/L) Calculated estimate of chlorophyll pigment concentration. Not correlated to local conditions: use for comparison purposes only. 6.c EXO_BGAPERFU => Phycoetherin Concentration in Relative Fluorescence Units Measured using an optical fluorescence sensor with an orange excitation beam that excites the phycoetherin accessory pigment found in saltwater blue-green algae (cyanobacteria). Calibrated relative to a stable secondary standard, such as Rhodamine WT dye. 6.d EXO_BGAPEugL => Phycoetherin Concentration in micro-grams per Litre (µg/L) Calculated estimate of phycoetherin pigment concentration. Not correlated to local conditions: use for comparison purposes only. EXO fDOM Sensor ----------------------- Ref: 7.a EXO_fDOMRFU => Fluorescent Dissolved Organic Matter concentration in Relative Fluorescence Units (RFU) Measured using an optical fluorescence sensor which detects fluorescence associated with dissolved organic matter exposed to near-ultraviolet light. Measurement is relative to the fluorescence of quinine sulfate, which, in acid solution, fluoresces similarly to dissolved organic matter 7.b EXO_fDOMQSU => Fluorescent Dissolved Organic Matter concentration in Quinine Sulfate Units (1 QSU => 1 part-per-billion Qunine Sulfate) Calculated from the EXO_fDOMRFU Measurement Flow / Current Meter -------------------------- Data values are the average value over the previous sample interval, unless indicated otherwise. 8.a ABSSpd_Avg => Absolute current speed in meters per second (m/s) 8.b NorthCur_Avg => Northward current velocity in meters per second (m/s) 8.c EastCur_Avg => Eastward current velocity in meters per second (m/s) 8.d Heading_Avg => Current meter heading in compass degrees 8.e Direction_Avg => Current direction in compass degrees 8.f AbsTilt_Avg => Absolute tilt in degrees from the horizontal 8.g TiltX_Avg => Tilt in the X-plane (across the current) in degrees from the horizontal 8.h TiltY_Avg => Tilt in the Y-plane (aligned with current) in degrees from the horizontal 8.i MaxTilt_Avg => Maximum absolute tilt during the sample interval, in degrees from the horizontal 8.j StdTilt_Avg => Standard deviation of absolute tilt during the sample interval, in degrees from the horizontal 8.k SPstd_Avg 8.l SigStrength_Avg 8.m PingCnt_Avg GillMX10 Weather Station -------------------------------- 9.a Gill_Ws_Mean => Mean wind speed during the previous sample interval, in meters per second (m/s) 9.b Gill_Wd_MeanUnitVector => Mean wind direction during the previous sample interval, in compass degrees 9.c Gill_Wd_StdDev => Standard deviation of wind direction during the previous sample interval, in compass degrees 9.d Gill_WindSpd_Max => Maximum wind speed during the previous sample interval, in meters per second (m/s) 9.e Gill_Temperature_Avg => Average air temperature during the previous sample interval, in degrees Celcius 9.f Gill_RH => Relative Humidity at the sample time, in % 9.g Gill_Pressure => Atmospheric pressure at the sample time, in hecto-pascals (hPa) 9.h Gill_Rain_mm_Tot => Cumulative rainfall during the previous sample interval (mm) 9.i Gill_TotalRain_mm => Cumulative rainfall in millimetres (mm) for the 24 hours to 10 AM AEST ( => 9AM AEDT to match the BOM cutoff) 9.j Gill_TotalDailyRain_mm => Cumulative rainfall in millimetres (mm) for the 24 hours to midnight AEST 9.k Gill_DewPoint_Avg => Average dewpoint during the previous sample interval, in degrees Celcius 9.l Gill_SRad_Avg => Average solar radiance during the previous sample interval watts per square meter 9.m Gill_SunHours_Avg => Average hours of sunlight during the previous sample interval in hours 9.n Gill_Latitude => Latitude of the weather station, in decimal degrees 9.o Gill_Longitude => Longitude of the weather station, in decimal degrees 9.p Gill_Time => ISO Day of the month The following known events may have caused shifts in sensor calibration: ========================================================== Note: The CWQM buoy was used as an anchor for the SAFA instrument that was involved in collecting microbial monitoring data for a seperate deliverable of this project. Retrieving and deploying the SAFA instrument required the CWQM buoy to be tilted, which may have briefly disrupted the CWQM Sensors. CWQM Instruments were checked and cleaned during the SAFA collection trips. All times are AEST (+10:00) 2017-08-03 15:00 => Initial deployment of CWQM buoy and instruments: lon=153.4139, lat=-27.9573 2017-10-05 08:20 => Recalibration & restart 2017-10-12 22:10 => Power interruption (reason unknown) 2017-11-02 12:10 => SAFA instrument removal 2017-11-29 07:50 => SAFA instrument redeployed 2017-12-01 12:00 => SAFA samples collected, instrument redeployed 2017-12-11 15:30 => SAFA samples collected, instrument redeployed 2017-12-15 19:53 => SAFA samples collected, instrument redeployed 2017-12-21 13:10 => SAFA samples collected, instrument redeployed 2018-01-02 16:40 => GillMX10 Weather Station Damaged (suspected lightening or hail strike) 2018-01-03 11:00 => SAFA samples collected, instrument redeployed, instrument removed 2018-01-08 07:30 => SAFA instrument redeployed 2018-01-10 07:50 => SAFA samples collected, instrument removed. 2018-01-10 08:45 => GillMX10 Weather station replaced 2018-02-01 10:30 => Cleaning and Calibration 2018-02-23 08:30 => Relocate to Coast Guard Pontoon for Luke Harrop Memorial Triathlon: lon=153.4101,lat=-27.9557 2018-02-25 16:30 => Relocate back in position: lon=153.4139, lat=-27.9573 2018-03-14 09:00 => CWQM Buoy Removed
Set of maps showing salinity by depth linearly interpolated from CARS2000 mean and seasonal fields to 0.1 degree spaced grid. These maps form part of a series of maps showing the variation of temperature, salinity, oxygen, silicate, phosphate, and nitrate in Australia's Oceans. Each feature in the series has been separately mapped at depths of 0, 150, 500, 1000 and 2000 metres. These maps have been produced by CSIRO for the National Oceans Office, as part of an ongoing commitment to natural resource planning and management through the 'National Marine Bioregionalisation' project.
This record describes expendable bathythermograph (XBT) and expendable conductivity-temperature-depth profiler (XCTD) data collected on the Japanese deep-sea research vessel Kairei voyage KR16-LHR, titled '2016FY Acquisition of deep seismic, shallow sub-surface and seafloor bathymetry Survey Data for the Lord Howe Rise (MCS, OBS).' The vessel conducted marine scientific research in the Australian EEZ between 23 March and 11 May 2016. The survey consisted of three legs: Leg1: 23 March - 30 March, Brisbane (QLD) to Brisbane Leg2: 2 April - 20 April, Brisbane to Brisbane Leg3: 22 April - 11 May, Brisbane to Brisbane A total of 1 XBT and 4 XCTD casts were conducted over the duration of this voyage: Type / Date / Time (UTC) / Latitude / Longitude / Type XBT T05 / 20160324 / 180644 / 27o22.9720S / 162o26.4646E XCTD CT2 / 20160402 / 224128 / 27o13.0832S / 155o33.4541E XCTD CT2 / 20160408 / 120230 / 27o23.0842S / 161o34.4947E XCTD CT2 / 20160415 / 022902 / 27o31.1244S / 160o10.1520E XCTD CT2 / 20160425 / 023019 / 26o25.6134S / 161o14.2481E Data are stored in ASCII and comma-separated files at CSIRO. Profile plots in PDF format are also part of the dataset. Additional information regarding this dataset is contained in the cruise summary report (see link below).
The Huon Estuary Study was undertaken by CSIRO Marine Research between 1996 and 1998. The Huon Estuary is in South Eastern Tasmania. This record references the autonomous profilers which were deployed as part of the Huon Estuary Study. The profilers operated at two locations, Killala and Hideaway Bays. At both sites conductivity, temperature, fluorescence, underwater light, dissolved oxygen and par sensors were deployed as well as a wind sensor at Killala Bay. For a number of parameters the raw data was processed using calibration co-efficients and converted to engineering units. The processed profile data is stored as daily, monthly and also as a dataset for duration of the deployment.
The Huon Estuary Study was undertaken by CSIRO Marine Research between 1996 and 1998. The Huon Estuary is in South Eastern Tasmania. This record references the CTD data from both the spatial (HES) and the weekly monitoring (CM) surveys of the Huon Estuary Study. For the spatial (HES) surveys this includes the raw, intermediate, processed and calibrated data. The record also references the software used to process this data together with the technical reports written in support of the datasets. Two ctd profilers were utilized during the spatial surveys, their deployment during the spatial surveys is described in a technical report CTD Data From the Spatial Surveys of the Huon Estuary, OMR-121/117. A technical report on the performance of the seabird ctd is Sea-Bird CTD Performance in a Salt-Wedge Estuary, OMR-116/117. For the weekly monitoring (CM) surveys only preliminary processing has been undertaken. A readme_cont_ctd.txt file describes the processing routine followed for the weekly monitoring surveys. This dataset has not been calibrated. There are also other problems with the weekly monitoring ctd data especially in terms of depth registration (see Lineage below). CTD deployment information (not the actual data) is stored in the project database which is described by the 'Huon Estuary Study 1996/1998 - Database' metadata record. A number of CTD's were also deployed during the Physical Snapshot Surveys (see Marlin record 'Huon Estuary Study 1996/1998 - Physical Snapshot Survey Data') These ctd's were quickly deployed, the data was not processed and they form part of the snapshot dataset along with underway data collected on the same day. For these reasons this data are not referenced by this metadata record and does not form part of the HES CTD dataset.
This dataset is a collection of a series of voyages under taken between 7 December 2009 and 18 June 2010, in two groups, one at the beginning and other at the end of the time period. Data for 47 deployments were acquired using the Seabird SBE19 Plus SEACAT Profiler, fitted with ten litre Niskin bottles on a rosette sampler. Of the 47 deployments, seven deployments could not be processed to the final averaged, QC'd data stage.
The Aquafin CRC Salmon Project is being undertaken by CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research (CMAR) and Tasmanian Aquaculture and Fisheries Institute (TAFI). Process Study 1 was undertaken between 12-14 April 2005 in the Huon Estuary offshore from Hideaway Bay. Prior to each microheterotroph grazing experiment, a CTD cast was performed at site P3 using the Seaboard 4550 to determine the depth of the fluorescence maximum. Water for a grazing experiment was collected from a depth of 20m (12 April) and 5m (13 April).
The Aquafin CRC Salmon Project is being undertaken by CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research (CMAR) and Tasmanian Aquaculture and Fisheries Institute (TAFI). Prior to the three microheterotroph grazing experiments, a CTD cast was performed at site PE3 to determine the depth of the fluorescence maximum. Water for the three grazing experiments was collected simultaneously from a depth of 7m. For all three experiments, the sample water was filtered through a 200µm mesh as usual. For the second experiment, 10 mesozooplankton were added to the sample water in each incubated bottle. In the third experiment 30 additional mesozooplankton were added to the sample water in each incubated bottle. The additional mesozooplankton were removed from the incubated bottles at the close of the experiment, before filtration. Samples were incubated for 24 hours with subsamples collected at times T0 and T24 for phytoplankton and microheterotroph counts, nutrient analysis and pigment concentration and composition. Grazing and growth rates were calculated.
The Aquafin CRC Salmon Project is being undertaken by CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research (CMAR) and Tasmanian Aquaculture and Fisheries Institute (TAFI). Monthly Monitoring 1 (MM1) was undertaken in the D'Entrecasteaux Channel by CMAR and in the Huon River by TAFI from 10 January 2002 until 31 March 2003. During MM1 samples were collected monthly from 12 sites in the D'Entrecasteaux Channel by CMAR for the analysis of nutrients, phytoplankton species identification, and chlorophyll a; samples were collected for salinity calibration and dissolved oxygen approximately four times a year from 3 sites. In December 2002, samples were collected for HPLC pigment analysis from 5 sites. Samples were collected monthly from 4 sites in the Huon River by TAFI for phytoplankton species identification, nutrients, spectrophotometric chlorophyll a and dissolved oxygen. This metadata record refers to the Monthly Monitoring 1 data collected by CMAR in the D'Entrecasteaux Channel. Two depths were sampled (0 and 1 m from the bottom) for the nutrient analyses, chlorophyll a analysis and dissolved oxygen. A 12 m integrated water column sample was collected for phytoplankton species identification and additionally for chlorophyll a analysis in the first 12 months of the monitoring. In December 2002, samples were collected from surface and bottom from 5 sites for HPLC pigment analysis. At each site prior to the collection of the samples a CTD profile to near bottom was collected using the SBE19-0605 and the Secchi depth measured. PLEASE NOTE - The phytoplankton results were updated in June 2012 with a correction. The original biovolume unit in column L and M was incorrect and should have been µL/L. The values in column M and L have been divided by 1000 and the unit mL/L left unchanged. Other values are not affected including CPL and Group CPL.
The Aquafin CRC Salmon Project is being undertaken by CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research (CMAR) and Tasmanian Aquaculture and Fisheries Institute (TAFI). Process Study 2 was undertaken between 21-22 September 2005 in the Huon Estuary offshore from Hideaway Bay. Prior to each microheterotroph grazing experiment, a CTD cast was performed at site P3 using the Seaboard 4550 to determine the depth of the fluorescence maximum. Water for a grazing experiment was collected from a depth of 2 m on the 21 September 2005 Samples were incubated for 24 hours with subsamples collected at times T0 and T24 for phytoplankton and microheterotroph counts, nutrient analysis and pigment concentration and composition. Grazing and growth rates were calculated.