This is a selection of the MODIS 8 day mean level 3 mapped 8 day mean ocean products at the two highest resolutions available. It spans from July 2002 onwards and will be augmented by newer data from time to time. The source of the data is NASA at the above reference. This data has been reformatted into 3 dimensional, longitude by latitude by time netcdf files for use by researchers in CSIRO. Initially the following products have been selected: chlorophyll, extinction coefficient (K490) and sea surface temperature. The NASA data are also available in various resolutions. The highest two resolution levels have been chosen, with nominal pixel size of 4 and 9 kilometres. A description of the processing carried out by NASA is at
Twenty-nine sites have been surveyed: 13 in Marmion Marine Park (one near the sewage outfall and the remaining forming transects across a depth gradient with 4 inner, 4 mid and 4 outer), 6 in Cockburn Sound (5 forming a transect along an anthropogenic stress gradient at the northern end and 1 at the southern end), 2 localities between these regions at City Beach and Hall Bank, 1 within the Swan River and 7 at Jurien Bay to the north. At each site, physical factors of bottom water temperature, depth, water column light attenuation and the structure of sediment such as presence of ripples, depth of anaerobic sand and compactness were recorded. In addition, a water column integrated sample was collected and chlorophyll a quantified. Five transects of 5x1m were established at each site, ten 30mm diameter cores to 50mm depth and three 150mm diameter cores to 100mm depth were randomly collected within the transect, and all macrofauna collected using a small rake to search the sediment. Macrofauna were identified, counted and weighed. The small cores were sectioned into 0-2cm and 2-5cm depths and the size fractions from all 10 relating to 1 transect pooled and subsampled: one was analysed for organic carbon and nitrogen and a second for benthic microalgae biomass as chlorophyll a. One of the large cores was dry sieved through a set of 15 sieves from 0.063 to 8.0 mm pore size to determine proportions of grain size. One of the remaining cores was washed through 9 sieves from 8.0 to 0.5mm and biomass of infauna of each size class determined and daily secondary production calculated.
This dataset contains the photosynthetic parameters determined experimentally from Productivity vs Light intensity experients (P vs E experiments), and primary production calculated using these parameters, collected on Franklin voyage FR 08/90, a part of the JGOFS study - Inorganic and Organic Carbon Cycles in Equatorial Waters. The voyage took place in the Solomon Sea, the Western Equatorial Pacific Ocean, Bismarck and Coral Seas during 02-17 October 1990. This dataset is archived within the CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research Data Centre in Hobart. Additional information regarding this dataset is contained in the cruise report for this voyage and/or the references.
This record describes nitrate concentration data obtained with the Seabird/Satlantic Submersible Ultraviolet Nitrate Analyser (SUNA) owned by ACE CRC (Tom Trull), collected on the Marine National Facility RV Investigator voyage IN2015_V01, departing Hobart on the 21st March and returning to Hobart on the 29th of March, 2015. The SUNA V2 determines nitrate concentrations from ultra-violet spectra. It was deployed on the Triaxus towed body. Calibration onboard IN2015_v01 against Milli-Q purified water blank and Hydrochemistry 7 uM nitrate standard in seawater.
This record describes sediment trap data obtained with the SAZ16 Sediment Trap, collected on the Marine National Facility RV Investigator voyage IN2015_V01, departing Hobart on the 21st March and returning to Hobart on the 29th of March, 2015. The SAZ sediment trap mooring focuses on quantifying the transfer of carbon and other nutrients to the ocean interior by sinking particles, and collecting samples to investigate their ecological controls. SAZ16 Sediment Traps were recovered and data downloaded from sediment trap controller computers.
Ecosystem process measurements were made on sediment sampled with a box core and water sampled from CTD profiles. For sediments, measurements were of wet/dry weight ratio, total organic carbon, chlorophyll and stable isotopes, nitrogen cycling (nitrogen fixation and denitirification) and oxygen demand. For water samples, measurements were of total suspended solids, chlorophyll and stable isotopes. The survey design was a natural experiment (i.e. control-impact, but not before-after) to test the long-term, broadscale effects of prawn fishing on non-target species and habitats. Deployments were stratified by fishing intensity (three strata) and day/night. The survey was repeated in three regions: (a) north of Groote Eylandt, (b) north-east of the Vanderlins, and (c) north of Mornington Island.
This record is an overview entry for biological data collected on Franklin voyage FR 01/90. The voyage took place in the Tasman Sea and the Southern Ocean during 10-30 January 1990. This dataset is archived within the CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research Data Centre in Hobart. Additional information regarding this dataset is contained in the cruise report for this voyage and/or the references.
This dataset contains the photosynthetic paramters determined experimentally from Productivity vs Light intensity experients (P vs E experiments), and primary production calculated using these parameters, collected on Franklin voyage FR 05/92, a part of the JGOFS study - Inorganic and Organic Carbon Cycles in Equatorial Waters. The voyage took place in the Solomon Sea, the Western Equatorial Pacific Ocean, Bismarck and Coral Seas during 15 June - 13 July 1992. This dataset is archived within the CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research Data Centre in Hobart. Additional information regarding this dataset is contained in the cruise report for this voyage and/or the references.
This record is an overview entry for biological data collected on Franklin voyage FR 08/93. The voyage took place in the Solomon Sea, the Western Equatorial Pacific Ocean, Bismarck and Coral Seas during 5 November - 1 December 1993. This dataset is archived within the CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research Data Centre in Hobart. Additional information regarding this dataset is contained in the cruise report for this voyage and/or the references.
Global 8km resolution timeseries of 5 AVHRR channels, NDVI and cloud mask, consisting of three 10-day composites per month from 1981-1994. Land areas only.