This dataset contains the processed Dissolved Oxygen Sensor data collected on Franklin voyage FR 02/97. The voyage took place in the Victorian and eastern South Australian coastal waters during 24 January - 4 February 1997. This dataset has been processed and is archived within the CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research Data Centre in Hobart. Additional information regarding this dataset is contained in the cruise report for this voyage and/or the data processing report (as available). The Dissolved Oxygen measurements from this sensor (mounted on the CTD apparatus) are calibrated against dissolved oxygen measurements from Niskin Bottle samples taken on the same CTD cast. Where present, the Dissolved Oxygen Data are included within the relevant CTD dataset for archiving and/or download.
This dataset contains the ichthyoplankton data from three National Reference Stations on the east coast of Australia (North Stradbroke Island, Port Hacking, and Maria Island), and comparable historical data from eight ichthyoplankton surveys that were used to provide a longer term context: RV Sprightly (1983) RV Challenger (1989-1991) RV Franklin (1994) RV Franklin (1997-1998) RV Franklin (1998-1999) RV Southern Surveyor (2004) RV Investigator (2015) FRV Kapala (1989-1993) Refer to the published report which had the following goals: - To evaluate the value of long-term monitoring of ichthyoplankton at selected locations in the Integrated Marine Observing System (IMOS) National Reference Station (NRS) network, - To identify the potential of this monitoring for providing fishery-independent information relevant for marine fishes and their management. Note - Currently only the data from the IMOS NRS Stations have been made available.
This dataset contains the processed Hydrology (HYD) data collected on Franklin voyage FR 02/97. The voyage took place in the Victorian and eastern South Australian coastal waters during 24 January - 4 February 1997. This dataset currently exists as raw data only, and will be available from the CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research Data Centre in Hobart once processing has been completed. Additional information regarding this dataset is contained in the cruise report for this voyage and/or the data processing report (as available). Franklin on-voyage hydrology data are typically obtained from water samples collected in Niskin bottles at various depths during each CTD cast. Parameters measured normally comprise temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen, phosphate, nitrate, silicate and nitrite.
This dataset contains the processed Conductivity-Temperature-Depth (CTD) data collected on Franklin voyage FR 02/97. The voyage took place in the Victorian and eastern South Australian coastal waters during 24 January - 4 February 1997. This dataset has been processed and is archived within the CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research Data Centre in Hobart. Additional information regarding this dataset is contained in the cruise report for this voyage and/or the data processing report (as available).
This dataset contains the processed Underway (UWY) data collected on Franklin voyage FR 02/97. The voyage took place in the Victorian and eastern South Australian coastal waters during 24 January - 4 February 1997. This dataset has been processed and is archived within the CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research Data Centre in Hobart. Additional information regarding this dataset is contained in the cruise report for this voyage and/or the data processing report (as available). The standard Underway (=continuously recorded) dataset from a research voyage includes Navigation (NAV), Sounder, Thermosalinograph (TSG) and Meteorological (MET) data. NAV data includes GPS (Global Positioning System) measurements of latitude, longitude, ship's direction and speed. MET data includes atmospheric temperature, humidity and pressure, wind speed and direction, and incident radiation intensity. Data are recorded at or averaged over 5 minute intervals.
This study examined the larval biology and ecology of the southern rock lobster (Jasus edwardsii) based on approximately 3000 archived plankton and mid-water trawl samples held, principally, by CSIRO, Tasmanian Aquaculture and Fisheries Institute, and the Marine and Freshwater Research Institute, Victoria. Additional samples were provided by the National Institute of Water and Atmosphere, New Zealand; some samples were opportunistically collected during the project to fill in areas where there was a lack of archived samples. The combined sample set covered the major geographic range of the fishery in Australia (132E/32S - 155E/46S). Details of larval growth, duration and distribution were combined with concurrently collected hydrographic data and satellite based observations to examine possible larval transport mechanisms, connectivity between management zones and physical factors that may influence the supply of larvae on a regional basis. The dataset is primarily in Excel format with a summary of the results presented in a final report to FRDC (project number 96/107).