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    The data was summarised to produce an interim report to describe the trawling effort and total catch in the North West Shelf of Australia between 1973 and 1997. It contains foreign and domestic commercial fisheries data from three separate sources: Taiwanese Logbook data (Anon. 1973-1982), foreign (Taiwanese, Chinese and South Korean) trawl data collated by the Australian Fisheries Management Authority (1979-1989), and domestic catch and effort statistics data collated by Fisheries, Western Australia (1979-1997). Trawling effort and total catch by year, as well as catches of 22 species categories (mostly family level classifications) are sumarised spatially into a 10x10 minute grid scale over part of the NWS region to show spatial distribution. The original Report produced Mar 2001 was updated and corrected in 2003.<br> The corrections made are: (1) the Taiwaneses total catch was recalculated using all categories reported in the Annual reports (previously invertebrates, 'dumped' and 'other' were excluded); (2)Taiwanese effort data was corrected for logbook recovery rates reported in the Annual Reports.<br> The update refers to an additional section describing the data that was used in NWS-JEMS Project 5.

  • This record describes AFMA catch and effort data for the Torres Strait Rock Lobster Fishery, held by CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research. A number of commercial fisheries operate within the Torres Strait for which logbook data is collected by AFMA. The rock lobster fishery comprises multiple sectors from both Australia and PNG with the two Australian sectors being a Traditional Inhabitant (TIB) sector and a non-Traditional Inhabitant (TVH) commercial sector. Data for the two Australian sectors is collected by AFMA while data for the PNG component of the fishery is collected by PNG Fisheries authorities with an annual summary (total catch) passed to AFMA at the end of each season. Rock lobster catch data also exists for a trawl fishery which operated in the Torres Strait between 1980 and 1986. For the two Australian sectors of the Torres Strait rock lobster fishery, catch reporting is compulsory only in the TVH commercial sector via a logbook program. Reporting of commercial catch from the TIB sector is currently not compulsory and any data that is reported is done on a voluntary basis through processors via a docketbook program. The docketbook system was introduced in 2004 in an attempt to collect commercial catch data from TIB fishers when they sold their catch. The docketbook program has been generally accepted well by TIB fishers since its introduction but has a number of limitations. Although the docketbook program has been successful to some extent, there are significant difficulties with data accuracy and completeness. As the program is also voluntary, not all processors participate in the program or complete records for all sales.