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  • This record describes the Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) data collected from the Marine National Facility RV Investigator voyage IN2017_V01 Titled: "Interactions of the Totten Glacier with the Southern Ocean through multiple glacial cycles." The voyage took place between January 14 and March 5, 2017 departing from Hobart (TAS) and arriving in Hobart. This dataset was processed and then archived within the CSIRO Oceans and Atmosphere (O&A) Information and Data Centre (IDC) in Hobart.

  • This record describes Hydrology (HYD) data collected from the Marine National Facility (MNF) RV Investigator voyage IN2017_V01 titled: "Interactions of the Totten Glacier with the Southern Ocean through multiple glacial cycles." The voyage took place between January 14 and March 5, 2017 departing from Hobart (TAS) and arriving in Hobart. Hydrology samples were collected from Niskin bottles sampled at various depths during Conductivity-Temperature-Depth (CTD) deployments. Parameters analysed were salinity, dissolved oxygen, phosphate, silicate, nitrate plus nitrite and ammonium. Note that the underway samples (dataset: time extents range from 16/01/2017 to 01/03/2017 and the spatial extents are slightly greater than those specified in the Geographic Bounding Box below. This dataset has been archived at the CSIRO O&A Information and Data Centre (IDC) in Hobart. Additional information regarding this dataset is contained in the Voyage Report and Data Processing Report.

  • This record describes the Conductivity-Temperature-Depth (CTD) data collected from the Marine National Facility RV Investigator voyage IN2017_V01 titled: "Interactions of the Totten Glacier with the Southern Ocean through multiple glacial cycles." The voyage took place from Hobart (TAS) to Hobart between the 14th January and 5th March, 2017. Data for 33 deployments were acquired during this voyage using a Seabird SBE911 CTD, fitted with 36 twelve litre bottles on the rosette sampler. Casts 1-10, 13 – 33 were acquired using the Seabird SBE911 CTD unit 20, and casts 11 and 12 were acquired using the Seabird SBE911 CTD unit 22. CTD and sensors were changed in efforts to remediate sensor issues. CSIRO -supplied calibration factors were used to compute the pressures, and preliminary temperature and conductivity values. The data were subjected to automated QC to remove spikes and out-of-range values. Processing was completed using CapPro processing software, version 2.9. For the duration of the voyage significant spikes were observed across all recorded sensor channels. Investigation strongly suggests electrical interference was the cause of the data spikes, as mitigation measures have alleviated the issue. Care was taken in post processing to remove the spikes while maintaining true data features. The nature of the spiking was primarily extreme values persisting for a single scan, which were suitably detected and flagged by evaluating the second-difference of the data. An additional filter was also applied to the data which evaluated the median and standard deviation of the conductivity over a moving window, which was used to detect extreme changes in the sensor values characteristic of the noise induced spikes. The final conductivity calibration was based on two deployment groupings, due to sensor changes during the voyage. The final calibration for casts 1-13 from the secondary sensor had a standard deviation (S.D) of 0.0010393 PSU, within our target of ‘better than 0.002 PSU’. The final calibration for casts 14-33 from the secondary sensor had a standard deviation (S.D) of 0.0020084 PSU. The standard product of 1dbar binned averaged were produced using data from the secondary sensors. The final Oxygen calibration from the primary sensor had a S.D of 0.85991 uM. The agreement between the sensor and bottle data was good. Both Oxygen sensors calibrated closely. The Biospherical photosynthetically active radiation (PAR), Wetlabs Transmissometer, the Wetlabs ECO chlorophyll, and O&A IMU sensors were also installed on the auxiliary A/D channels of the CTD. The collected data were subsequently processed and archived within the CSIRO Oceans and Atmosphere (O&A) Information and Data Centre (IDC) in Hobart. Additional information regarding this dataset may be contained in the Voyage Summary and the CTD Data Processing Report.

  • This record describes the Underway (UWY) data collected from the Marine National Facility (MNF) RV Investigator research voyage in2017_v01, titled "Interactions of the Totten Glacier with the Southern Ocean through multiple glacial cycles." The voyage took place from Hobart (TAS) to Hobart between the 14th January and 5th March, 2017. Standard Underway data is continuously recorded, it consists of: (1) NAV: Navigation data: (dual GPS) Latitude, Longitude, Speed, Heading, course over ground, Gyros, and Doppler Log. (2) TSG: Thermosalinograph: Water Salinity, flow-rate, Temperature, Fluorescence, and pCO2. (3) MET: Atmospheric (port and starboard): Humidity, Wind speed and direction (vane and ultrasonic), Radiometer, Pyranometer, PAR, Air temperature, Air pressure, Rain, Ozone and Trace gases. Data are recorded at 5 second intervals. Near real-time data is available via the link below. This dataset will be processed and archived within the CSIRO Oceans & Atmosphere Data Centre in Hobart. Data is available in 5sec intervals in NetCDF, 10 sec and 5 min intervals in ascii format. Additional information regarding this dataset is contained in the cruise report for this voyage and/or the data processing report.

  • This record describes the End of Voyage (EOV) archive from the Marine National Facility (MNF) RV Investigator research voyage in2017_v01, titled "Interactions of the Totten Glacier with the Southern Ocean through multiple glacial cycles." The voyage took place from Hobart (TAS) to Hobart between January 14 and March 5, 2017. NOTE: the raw USBL data files lag 3 minutes behind the ship’s time due to an error with the NTP client. This only applies to the raw files directly logged by the USBL in the /usbl folder; and does not affect the TECHSAS recorded data, which is synchronized to the ship’s clock. For further information refer to the Voyage documentation links below. Instruments used and data collected include: Regular measurements: Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP; 75, 150 KHz ), Fisheries echosounder (EK60, ME70), Multibeam Echosounder (EM710, EM122), Sub-bottom Profiler (SBP120), Gravimeter, GPS Positioning System, Doppler Velocity Log, Ultra Short BaseLine Underwater Positioning System (USBL), Starboard and Portside Radiometers, Nephelometer, Radon, Ozone and Oxygen sensors, Weather Radar, Greenhouse Gas Analysers (Aerodyne, Picarro), Air Pressure sensor, Wind Speed and Direction sensors, Thermosalinographs, CTD, Hydrochemistry, Expendable Bathythermographs (XBTs). Voyage-specific measurements: Aerosol Aerodynamic Particle sizer (APS), Aerosol Chemical Speciation Monitor (ACSM), ASD Field Spectroradiometer, Condensation Particle Counters (CPC), Cloud Condensation Nuclei counter (CCN, ccnc), Disdrometer, PAM Fluorometer, Light Detection and Ranging (LIDAR), Mercury Vapor Analyzer, Microtops, Multiangle Absorption Photometer (MAAP), Multi-Sensor Core Logger, pCO2, Proton-Transfer-Reaction mass spectrometry (PTR-MS), Scanning Mobility Particle Sizers (long SMPS, nano SMPS), Sea-ice, Seismic profiling, Sound Velocity Profiles (SVP), Ultra-Short Base Line (USBL; see NOTE below), Video, Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) Gas Chromatograph (SEQ), Whale Observations. The archive for the IN2017_V01 EOV raw data is curated by the CSIRO Oceans and Atmosphere (O&A) Information and Data Centre (IDC) in Hobart, with a permanent archive at the CSIRO Data Access Portal (DAP,, providing access to participants and processors of the data collected in the voyage. All voyage documentation is available electronically to MNF support via the local network. Access to voyage documentation for non-CSIRO participants can be made via