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  • This dataset captures temperature and water depth at three general localities in Western Australia: Tantabiddi North (Ningaloo Coast), Tantabiddi South (Ningaloo Coast), and Osprey Bay (Ningaloo) for the period December 2014 - March 2015. Note: Instruments were deployed as an array at each subsite. Therefore a number of subsites exist at a given locality. This Dataset sits within the Environmental Pressures (Drivers) theme. The Pilbara Marine Conservation Partnership (PMCP) was an initiative designed to enhance the net conservation benefits of the globally-significant coral reef ecosystems of the Pilbara (Western Australia) by providing an assessment of the condition and trajectory of key ecological values. These assessments were designed to inform and complement existing governance and management arrangements and the PMCP is intended to provide ongoing advice and assessment for conservation efforts in the region, providing lasting benefits. The PMCP concept is based on three core ecological components, namely: Coral Reef Health - concentrating mainly on habitat forming primary producers. Fish and Sharks - their community structure, interactions and impacts on lower trophic levels. Environmental Pressures - physical and anthropogenic factors that influence the condition of reefs and associated biota.

  • This dataset captures the following from reefs along the Onslow coast (Western Australia): - Feb 2015 - Jan 2016: Water Depth & Temperature - Fly Island, Herald Reef, and North East Thevenard Island - Feb 2015 - Jan 2016: Temperature - Airlie Island, Ashburton Island, Bessieres Island, Direction Island, Gorgon Patch, Hastings Shoal, Locker Island, Paroo Shoal, Roller Shoal, Serrurier Island, Twin Island, Ward Reef, and West Reef Note: Wave and Temperature loggers were deployed as singular instruments at each site. This Dataset sits within the Environmental Pressures (Drivers) theme. The Pilbara Marine Conservation Partnership (PMCP) was an initiative designed to enhance the net conservation benefits of the globally-significant coral reef ecosystems of the Pilbara (Western Australia) by providing an assessment of the condition and trajectory of key ecological values. These assessments were designed to inform and complement existing governance and management arrangements and the PMCP is intended to provide ongoing advice and assessment for conservation efforts in the region, providing lasting benefits. The PMCP concept is based on three core ecological components, namely: Coral Reef Health - concentrating mainly on habitat forming primary producers. Fish and Sharks - their community structure, interactions and impacts on lower trophic levels. Environmental Pressures - physical and anthropogenic factors that influence the condition of reefs and associated biota.