This record describes atmospheric greenhouse data collected by a Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy (CRDS) analyzer (Picarro G2301, PICARRO Inc., USA) collected on RV Investigator voyage IN2015_E05. This is a trial voyage involving Geoscience, testing equipment and developing procedures, departing Hobart on the 1st May 2015 and returning to Hobart on the 5th May 2015. The Picarro G2301 atmospheric trace gas analyzer measures carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) and water (H2O) vapour in air. The analyzer is a wavelength-scanned laser-based CRDS spectrometer. The principle of operation and specifications can be found in the manufacturer's documentation link below.
This record describes the atmospheric greenhouse data acquired by a continuous wave Quantum Cascading Laser (QCL) analyser (QC-TILDAS, Aerodyne Research Inc., USA) collected on the Marine National Facility RV Investigator Event voyage IN2015_E01. This is a trial voyage for the RV Investigator departing Hobart on the 29 Jan 2015 and returning to Hobart on the 19 Feb 2015. It is an atmospheric greenhouse gas analyser for measuring nitrous oxide, carbon monoxide and water vapour in air. This instrument is an MNF procurement. The air is partially dried with a refrigerated dryer (5oC) to avoid potential condensation in the sample lines, valve and instrument. Measurements are extrapolated to dry air mole fractions. Calibrations are conducted pre and post each voyage and at a monthly interval for extended voyages. Calibrations are conducted in-situ with three calibrated air standards. An automated daily reference gas sample is also conducted (15 minutes).
This record describes the upper meteorological data collected with combined dual sensing by Windsond and Anasphere tethersonde on the RV Investigator Voyages from 2016 onwards. Parameters measured: pressure, temperature, relative humidity directly, then derived values for height, dew point, vapour pressure, mixing ratio and potential temperature. This data will also be available at the Australian Ocean Data Network ( and the World Data Centre for Greenhouse Gases ( Further information can be found in the data and documentation links below.
The CSIRO Dawn-2100 archive contains datasets for atmospheric, land and oceanographic variables for the approximate period 1850 - 2100 (dependent on model). These have been created through the concatenation of 20th century (20C3M) and other scenario (currently SRESA1B or SRESA2) data from a number of the 25 differant global climate models (GCM) from various countries. The SRESA2_huss dataset contains the Specific Humidity variable for various GCM's and runs (multiple runs being averaged to a single file if existing) under the scenario SRESA2 emissions 2001 to 2100. These variables have also been further analysed to give monthly, seasonal and annual trend data, calculated from a monthly timeseries referenced to the area-weighted mean global warming values. 8 GCM models are available with data for variables being in 12 month, annual and 4 seasons(DJF, MAM,JJA,SON) format with 20 files totaling 2.94 GB as Netcdf files. Available for internal use and analysis by CSIRO staff on the HPSC cherax.
The CSIRO Dawn-2100 archive contains datasets for atmospheric, land and oceanographic variables for the approximate period 1850 - 2100 (dependent on model). These have been created through the concatenation of 20th century (20C3M) and other scenario (currently SRESA1B or SRESA2) data from a number of the 25 differant global climate models (GCM) from various countries. The SRESA1B_cal_hurs folder contains the variable near surface relative humidity (hurs) which has been calculated from GCM outputs of near surface air temperature (tas), seal level air pressure (psl), surface altitude (orog) & specific humidity (huss) under the SRESA1B scenario (SRESA1B emissions 2001 to 2100, then constant GHG 720ppm). These variables have also been further analysed to give monthly, seasonal and annual trend data, calculated from a monthly timeseries referenced to the area-weighted mean global warming values. 12 GCM models are available with data for variables being in 12 month, annual and 4 seasons(DJF, MAM,JJA,SON) format with 35 files totaling 3.64 GB as Netcdf files. Available for internal use and analysis by CSIRO staff on the HPSC cherax.
The CSIRO Dawn-2100 archive contains datasets for atmospheric, land and oceanographic variables for the approximate period 1850 - 2100 (dependent on model). These have been created through the concatenation of 20th century (20C3M) and other scenario (currently SRESA1B or SRESA2) data from a number of the 25 differant global climate models (GCM) from various countries. The SRESA2_cal_hurs folder contains the variable near surface relative humidity (hurs) which has been calculated from GCM outputs of near surface air temperature (tas), seal level air pressure (psl), surface altitude (orog) & specific humidity (huss) under the scenario SRESA2 emissions 2001 to 2100. These variables have also been further analysed to give monthly, seasonal and annual trend data, calculated from a monthly timeseries referenced to the area-weighted mean global warming values. 10 GCM models are available with data for variables being in 12 month, annual and 4 seasons(DJF, MAM,JJA,SON) format with 22 files totaling 3.31 GB as Netcdf files. Available for internal use and analysis by CSIRO staff on the HPSC cherax.
The CSIRO Mk 3.0 climate system model contains a comprehensive representation of the four major components of the climate system (atmosphere, land surface, oceans and sea-ice). There are a simulations for a range of scenarios available for this model and also for the later CSIRO Mk 3.5 model. This simulation uses scenario PIcntrl which represents a Pre-industrial control experiment. This is a standard experiment for model intercomparisons. The scenario includes standard daily and monthly meteorological, and monthly oceanographic variables as netCDF files organised by variable and time period, totalling 4020 files. The data are accessible to authorised users via an OpenDAP server at CSIRO HPSC, and also from PCMDI in the U.S.A. It is also a contribution to the WCRP CMIP3 multi-model database and meets their formatting standards.
The CSIRO Mk 3.5 climate system model contains a comprehensive representation of the four major components of the climate system (atmosphere, land surface, oceans and sea-ice). There are simulations for a range of scenarios available for this model. This simulation uses scenario PIcntrl which represents a Pre-industrial control experiment. This is a standard experiment for model intercomparisons. The scenario includes standard daily and monthly meteorological, and monthly oceanographic variables as netCDF files organised by variable and time period, totalling 8620 files. The data are accessible to authorised users via an OpenDAP server at CSIRO HPSC, and also from PCMDI in the U.S.A. It is also a contribution to the WCRP CMIP3 multi-model database and meets their formatting standards.
The CSIRO Mk 3.0 climate system model contains a comprehensive representation of the four major components of the climate system (atmosphere, land surface, oceans and sea-ice). There are a simulations for a range of scenarios available for this model and also for the later CSIRO Mk 3.5 model. This simulation uses scenario Commit, which represents a commited climate change scenario with constant year 2000 GHG(Green House Gas) concentrations. This is a standard experiment for model intercomparisons. The scenario includes standard daily and monthly meteorological, and monthly oceanographic variables as netCDF files organised by variable and time period, totalling 900 files. The data are accessible to authorised users via an OpenDAP server at CSIRO HPSC, and also from PCMDI in the U.S.A. It is also a contribution to the WCRP CMIP3 multi-model database and meets their formatting standards.
The CSIRO Mk 3.5 climate system model contains a comprehensive representation of the four major components of the climate system (atmosphere, land surface, oceans and sea-ice). There are simulations for a range of scenarios available for this model. This simulation uses scenario Commit, which represents a commited climate change scenario with constant year 2000 GHG(Green House Gas) concentrations. This is a standard experiment for model intercomparisons. The scenario includes standard daily and monthly meteorological, and monthly oceanographic variables as netCDF files organised by variable and time period, totalling 1330 files. The data are accessible to authorised users via an OpenDAP server at CSIRO HPSC, and also from PCMDI in the U.S.A. It is also a contribution to the WCRP CMIP3 multi-model database and meets their formatting standards.