The scientific objectives for the survey were split across two voyages (SS11/2006 for leg 1 and SS02/2007 for leg 2). They were to: (1) use advanced sampling tools and techniques that are, to the extent possible, non destructive (2) collect precisely georeferenced baseline data at scientific reference sites to enable indicators to be quantified (e.g. biodiversity metrics and levels of fishing effort at each site). These data will be documented and available for use for targeted monitoring during subsequent surveys (1) provide results that can assess the achievement of the TSMR management plan to date (revisit four seamounts photographed in 1997 - Main Pedra, Sister 1, K1 and D1; look for changes in fished and unfished sites) and refine baseline data (2) enable future assessment against performance objectives for the TSMR and selected proposed Commonwealth MPAs - Huon, Tasman Fracture and possibly South Tasman Rise and Freycinet depending on the time available at sea (3) test efficiency of the various biodiversity metrics to determine effectiveness, cost and potential for monitoring other deepwater reserves (4) provide samples for key taxa that can be used in subsequent genetic research to refine definition and extent of endemicity in deepwater fauna (5) complete swath mapping of relevant parts of continental slope between Hobart and SW Cape. This Metadata record describes the imagery data taken with the deep video-system and sediment data taken with a Smith-McIntyre grab. The image annotations collected for this project have been added to the Oracle data base BHIMAGE and the associated videos and still images have been archived as described in MarLIN record 14436 'Benthic Habitats Video Image Archive'. Sediment data has been processed by GA and integrated into the MARS data base.
Towed camera transects were conducted on the shelf of the Great Australian Bight (GAB) as part of the 'GAB Mapping Project' (FRDC Project No 2006/036). To further our understanding and knowledge of fishing grounds, terrain types and habitats in the GAB, this project proposed to include a camera survey, involving industry. A portable camera system developed by CSIRO during and for a previous fishing grounds mapping project in the SEF was available to be used from an industry vessel. This metadata record refers to the image data collected during the survey. The image annotations collected for this project will added to the Oracle data base BHIMAGE and the associated videos and still images have been archived as described in MarLIN record 14436 'Benthic Habitats Video Image Archive'.
The scientific objectives for the survey were split across two voyages (SS11/2006 for leg 1 and SS02/2007 for leg 2). They were to: * use advanced sampling tools and techniques that are, to the extent possible, non destructive * collect precisely georeferenced baseline data at scientific reference sites to enable indicators to be quantified (e.g. biodiversity metrics and levels of fishing effort at each site). These data will be documented and available for use for targeted monitoring during subsequent surveys * provide results that can assess the achievement of the TSMR management plan to date (revisit four seamounts photographed in 1997 - Main Pedra, Sister 1, K1 and D1; look for changes in fished and unfished sites) and refine baseline data * enable future assessment against performance objectives for the TSMR and selected proposed Commonwealth MPAs - Huon, Tasman Fracture and possibly South Tasman Rise and Freycinet depending on the time available at sea * test efficiency of the various biodiversity metrics to determine effectiveness, cost and potential for monitoring other deepwater reserves * provide samples for key taxa that can be used in subsequent genetic research to refine definition and extent of endemicity in deepwater fauna * complete swath mapping of relevant parts of continental slope between Hobart and SW Cape This metadata record refers to the acoustic swath and the video data collected during the first of the two surveys. The image annotations collected for this project have been added to the Oracle data base BHIMAGE and the associated videos and still images have been archived as described in MarLIN record 14436 'Benthic Habitats Video Image Archive'.
Towed camera transects were conducted in the Great Australian Bight (GAB) and near St Helen's Hill seamount during the pilot survey for estimating the effectiveness of spatial closures for deepwater gulper sharks and associated fishery species. There are large gaps in ecological knowledge of gulper sharks which limit the effective design of area closures (e.g. optimising sizes and numbers) and assessment of their performance. The survey aimed to fill these gaps do this by characterising the habitats and ecosystem processes in 200-700 m depths that sustain key species, and commencing a process to determine the relevant aspects of species ecology. Primarily this will be (1) to measure the movement of fish within and to/ from a large closed area in the GAB with a tagging program, and (2) estimate the abundance of selected species in relation to habitat features (substructure within submarine canyons, escarpments and rocky banks, and adjacent water column features) with two independent, non-extractive photographic methods. This metadata record refers to the image data collected during the survey. The image annotations collected for this project will added to the Oracle data base BHIMAGE and the associated videos and still images have been archived as described in MarLIN record 14436 'Benthic Habitats Video Image Archive'.