This data set contains Simrad EK500 single beam echosounder data at 38 and 120 kHz and Simrad EA500 single beam echosounder data at 12 kHz from the Southern Surveyor. The EK500 data is primarily for water column characterisation (fish stocks, microplankton distribution) and on occasions for seabed classification (particularly prior to the EM300 swath mapper being installed), while the EA500 data is primarily for bathymetric readings.
This record is an overview entry for Simrad EM1002 multibeam echosounder data collected on Southern Surveyor cruise SS 01/2000. This voyage took place off around the south-east coast of Australia including Victorian, Tasmanian and South Australian waters, in the areas of the south eastern "large marine domain" and the Great Australian Bight Marine Park, during April - May 2000, under the leadership of Rudy Kloser (legs 1 and 3) and Alan Williams (leg 2). Data-set primarliy consists of multibeam echosounder data from approx 30m to 600m water depth from the Simrad EM1002 95kHz multibeam echosounder. Key data outputs are high resolution bathymetry and acoustic seabed backscatter. 15 main sites were intensively mapped with complementary ground truth information comprising video, sediment grab, benthic sled and still photoes being taken
This dataset contains the processed Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) data collected on Southern Surveyor voyage SS 01/2000. The voyage took place in Tasmanian, Victorian, South Australian and New South Wales coastal and offshore waters during April and May 2000. This dataset has been processed and is archived within the CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research Data Centre in Hobart. Additional information regarding this dataset is contained in the cruise report for this voyage and/or the data processing report (as available).
This dataset contains the Conductivity-Temperature-Depth (CTD) data collected on Southern Surveyor voyage SS 01/2000. The voyage took place in Tasmanian, Victorian, South Australian and New South Wales coastal and offshore waters during April and May 2000. This dataset has been processed and archived within the CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research Data Centre in Hobart. Additional information regarding this dataset is contained in the cruise report for this voyage and/or the data processing report (as available).
This dataset contains the Hydrology (HYD) data collected on Southern Surveyor voyage SS 01/2000. The voyage took place in Tasmanian, Victorian, South Australian and New South Wales coastal and offshore waters during April and May 2000. This dataset will be processed and archived within the CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research Data Centre in Hobart. Additional information regarding this dataset is contained in the cruise report for this voyage and/or the data processing report (as available). Southern Surveyor on-voyage hydrology data are typically obtained from water samples collected in Niskin bottles at various depths during each CTD cast. Parameters measured normally comprise temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen, phosphate, nitrate, silicate, and nitrite.
This record is an overview entry for biological data collected on Southern Surveyor cruise SS 01/2000. This voyage took place off around the south-east coast of Australia including Victorian, Tasmanian and South Australian waters, in the areas of the south eastern "large marine domain" and the Great Australian Bight Marine Park, during April - May 2000, under the leadership of Rudy Kloser (legs 1 and 3) and Alan Williams (leg 2). Biological data collected on this cruise include fish trawls, benthic sled and video camera data, largely in association with ground truthing for swath mapping carried out on the same voyage. In addition, on leg 2, benthic invertebrates and demersal fishes were collected from the lower continental slope region (approx. depths between 1500 and 2000m) to enable the extension of biophysical regionalisations to a new depth, and on leg 3, collections were made to form a taxonomic inventory of demersal fishes and benthic invertebrates from the Great Australian Bight Marine Protected Area, in areas with contrasting histories of light vs. heavy trawling activity. Specimens were lodged with Australian museums but no considered effort has been made for further identification of these.
This dataset contains the processed Underway (UWY) data collected on Southern Surveyor voyage SS 01/2000. The voyage took place in Tasmanian, Victorian, South Australian and New South Wales coastal and offshore waters during April and May 2000. This dataset has been processed and is archived within the CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research Data Centre in Hobart. Additional information regarding this dataset is contained in the cruise report for this voyage and/or the data processing report (as available). The standard Underway (=continuously recorded) dataset from a research voyage includes Navigation (NAV), Sounder, Thermosalinograph (TSG) and Meteorological (MET) data. NAV data includes GPS (Global Positioning System) measurements of latitude, longitude, ship's direction and speed. MET data includes atmospheric temperature, humidity and pressure, wind speed and direction, and incident radiation intensity. Data are recorded at or averaged over 5 minute intervals.
Benthic Habitats Video Image Archive is an on-line repository of .avi files and still images (.jpg or .tiff) collected during a series of surveys by MNF and other vessels. The associated BHIMAGE Oracle data base records associated geo-location data and image annotations. Image data (video and stills) in this collection are from deep continental shelf and upper slope benthic habitats. Image collection was enabled by the development of deep towed video systems since the late 1990's (Bax & Williams 1999; Shortis et al. 2008). An evolving but nonetheless standardized annotation methodology annotation physical structures (substrate and geomorphology) and biota has been used for surveys since 2000 (Kloser et al 2004). The data-base retains annotations in the original scoring schemes and translations between schemes including to the CATAMI classification scheme are documented. Video and still-image data can be accessed via the AODN Portal (refer to link below), select "Observation Data", then "CSIRO Oceans and Atmosphere", click on the "CMAR Instruments" and lastly: "CMAR Video Tows - all voyages", the image below illustrates how to reach this dataset. Note that this is subject to change when the CMAR tag is replaced by the new O&A.