This record is an overview entry for biological data collected on Soela cruise SO 5/82. This cruise took place in the North West Shelf during 25 September - 27 October 1982, under the leadership of Keith Sainsbury and R. Lindholm. Biological data collected on this cruise include length frequency of 47 species and biological samples (for growth, reproduction and mortality studies) from 32 species. Larval fish and zooplankton samples from shallow waters and out past the shelf break. Benthic fauna and some epibenthos specimens. Data from healthy fish tagging. Biological data on 63 sharks and squid samples from trawls when caught. Lethrinid gonads were collected for sex inversion studies.(derived from the cruise report) - Biological data is available via Data Trawler. - Biological Field Data Sheets recorded during this voyage have been scanned to PDF, and are available on-line at and
This record is an overview entry for biological data collected on Soela cruise SO 3/83. This cruise took place in the North West Shelf during 1 June - 1 July 1983, under the leadership of John Stevens and A. Heron. Biological data collected on this cruise include composition data of demersal fish community and selected fish specimens for growth, reproduction, mortality and diet studies. Specimens of Lutjanus vitta, L. sebae, L. erythropterus, L. quinquilineatus, L. malabaricus, L. lutjanus, L. russelli, Pterocaesio diagramma and four Saurida species for electrophoretic studies. 37 sharks and 3 Rachycentron canadus from longlining and 56 sharks from in the trawls. Zooplankton abundance data and larval fish samples. Photography of 58 trawls to determine gear efficiency and bottom types. Benthic invertebrate samples. Crustacean specimens for the National Museum of Victoria. Selected size classes of Saurida undosquamis, Nemipterus peronii, Nemipterus tambuloides and Lethrinus choerorynchus for diel fish feeding study. Phytoplankton and zooplankton species composition data.(derived from the cruise report) - Biological data is available via Data Trawler. - Biological Field Data Sheets recorded during this voyage have been scanned to PDF, and are available on-line at
This record is an overview entry for biological data collected on Soela cruise SO 6/82. This cruise took place in the North West Shelf during 15 November - 16 December 1982, under the leadership of Tim Davis and A. Heron. Biological data collected on this cruise include demersal fish and shark samples. Lutjanus vitta samples to investigate lunar periodicity in spawning activity. Stomach samples of Nemipterus peronii, Saurida undosquamis, Abalistes stellaris, Parapeneus pleurospilus, Nemipterus tambuloides and Lethrinus choerorhynchus from diel feeding experiment and 4812 stomach samples from 52 trawls. Zooplankton abundance data, larval fish and benthic samples. Phytoplankton, bacteria and zooplankton productivity data. Storage trial data on Epinephalus areolatus and Glaucosoma burgeri for the food technology studies. Trial data on healthy fish tagging. EK 400 acoustic data at four stations for John Penrose, W.A.I.T.(derived from the cruise report) - Biological data is available via Data Trawler. - Biological Field Data Sheets recorded during this voyage have been scanned to PDF, and are available on-line at and
This record is an overview entry for biological data collected on Soela cruise SO 2/83. This cruise took place in the North West Shelf during 6-29 April 1983, under the leadership of John Stevens and C. Stanley. Biological data collected on this cruise include composition data of demersal fish community and selected fish specimens for growth, reproduction, mortality and diet studies. Zooplankton abundance data and larval fish. Photography of 24 trawls and bottom types. Benthic invertebrate samples. Crustacean specimens and about 70 species of porifera for Northern Territory Museum.(derived from the cruise report) - Biological data is available via Data Trawler.(derived from the cruise report) - Biological data is available via Data Trawler. - Biological Field Data Sheets recorded during this voyage have been scanned to PDF, and are available on-line at and
This record is an overview entry for biological data collected on Soela cruise SO 5/83. This cruise took place in the North West Shelf during 7 October - 17 November 1983, under the leadership of Tim Davis and D. Tranter. Biological data collected on this cruise include composition data of demersal fish community and selected fish specimens for growth, reproduction, and mortality studies. Biological material from 39 species of fish. 84 sharks from longlining and 71 sharks from in the trawls. Zooplankton abundance data and larval fish samples. Ichthyoplankton and juvenile fish specimens for otolithic ageing. 56 samples of benthic fauna. Information on the effect of bridles and trawl speed on the catch. Stomach samples from 19 fish species and from Metaepeneopsis for fatty acid analysis (CSIRO Division of Food Research). Data on fish spoilage trials.(derived from the cruise report) - Biological data is available via Data Trawler. - Biological Field Data Sheets recorded during this voyage have been scanned to PDF, and are available on-line at
This record is an overview entry for biological data collected on Soela cruise SO 4/83. This cruise took place in the North West Shelf during 2 August - 7 September 1983, under the leadership of G. West and Keith Sainsbury. Biological data collected on this cruise include composition data of demersal fish community and selected fish specimens for growth, reproduction, mortality and diet studies. 75 sharks from longlining and 86 sharks from in the trawls. Zooplankton abundance data and larval fish samples. Photography of 70 trawls and several scampi trawls to determine gear efficiency and bottom types. Collection of scampi and crayfish including photographs. Benthos and diet data of Nemipterus peronii, N. tambuloides and Saurida undosquamis from 6 sites. Benthic and epibenthic samples including 35 mm photography of 2 beam trawl hauls.(derived from the cruise report) - Biological data is available via Data Trawler. - Biological Field Data Sheets recorded during this voyage have been scanned to PDF, and are available on-line at