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    This record is an overview entry for biological data collected on Soela cruise SO 7/87. This cruise took place in the North West Shelf during 16 September - 15 October 1987, under the leadership of Keith Sainsbury and Wade Whitelaw. Biological data collected on this cruise include demersal fish and invertebrate samples from 105 random stations and underwater camera photography of 75 stations trawled. Catches were identifed and weighed by species with up to 100 species being caught per half hour trawl, with the greatest diversity occurring at the shallower stations. Length frequency data was collected for 14 species of fish (see taxonomy keywords), and otoliths were collected for 4 of the major species (L. sebae, L. choerorynchus, S. undosquamis and N. furcosus). Stomach contents were also collected for the same 4 species over 3 periods of 48 hours within 3 feeding study areas. A total of 58 trap sets were made during the cruise, the total catch was 137 kg (catches range from 0~35 kg per trap hour). Underwater photography of the fish entering and leaving the traps were also obtained. Taxonomic materials and data were collected for WA Dept of Conservation and Land Management and WA Dept of Fisheries. Scallops catches of 15 and 34 kg per 1/2 hour trawl were obtained from two of the random trawl stations. Associated with the scallops were large rays (Himantura sp.). Whale observations were recorded throughout the cruise.(derived from the cruise report) - Biological Field Data Sheets recorded during this voyage have been scanned to PDF, and are available (to CSIRO Staff) on-line. See the details link under "Stored Media List" (below).

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    This record is an overview entry for biological data collected on Soela cruise SO 6/86. This cruise took place in the North West Shelf during 7 October - 5 November 1988, under the leadership of Keith Sainsbury and Rolf Lindholm. Biological data collected on this cruise include weight of each species from the catch. Length distribution for selected species (see Taxonomy keywords). Otoliths and fish stomachs from selected species (Saurida undosquamis, Nemipterus furcosus, Lethrinus choerorynchus and Lutjanus sebae) for ageing and dietary studies. Photography of demersal habitats for 85 of the 105 trawls. Photography of the habitat in the 5 n mile radius area around the North Rankin drilling platform. Catch rates of fish in the fish traps and photography of fish behaviour in and out at the entrance of the traps.(derived from the cruise report) - Biological Field Data Sheets recorded during this voyage have been scanned to PDF, and are available (to CSIRO Staff) on-line. See the details link under "Stored Media List" (below).

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    This record is an overview entry for biological data collected on Soela cruise SO 5/88. This cruise took place in the North West Shelf during 16 September - 14 October 1988, under the leadership of Keith Sainsbury. Biological data collected on this cruise include demersal fish and invertebrate samples from 105 stations, with up to 100 species being caught per 30 min trawl with the greatest diversity occurring at the shallower stations. 35 mm camera photography of 85 trawls including some video photography camera trials. Length frequency data for 14 species of fish (see taxonomy keywords). Otoliths and stomach contents for 4 of the main species (L. choerorynchus, S. undosquamis, N. furcosus and L. sebae) for ageing and dietary studies. Data from various fish traps and bait type trials. 3 hydrographic transects were completed with the submersible data logger (SDL) and sediment grab samples for organic nutrient content analysis. Over 300 taxa of fish, mollusc and crustacea specimens including photographs for the I. S. R. Munro fish collection in Hobart. Acoustic data from the region. Please note: This metadata record is a preliminary entry derived from information in the cruise plan and/or cruise report. Individual data types - which may span several cruises - will be indexed separately within this metadata system in due course. - Biological Field Data Sheets recorded during this voyage have been scanned to PDF, and are available (to CSIRO Staff) on-line. See the details link under "Stored Media List" (below).

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    This record is an overview entry for biological data collected on Southern Surveyor cruise SS 08/95. This cruise took place in the North West Shelf during 18 August - 9 September 1995, under the leadership of Wade Whitelaw. Biological data collected on this cruise include demersal fish and invertebrate samples from 104 stations trawled and 35 mm camera photography of 33 stations trawled. Fish catches were identifed and weighed by species with up to 90 species being caught per half hour trawl. Greatest diversity occurred at the shallower stations. Length frequency data was collected for 14 species of fish (see taxonomy keywords), and otoliths were collected for 4 of the major species (L. sebae, L. choerorynchus, S. undosquamis and N. furcosus). Approximately 50 taxonomic voucher specimens and 100 other specimens were photographed and retained for the Handbook of Australian Seafood, and about 80 specimens and 400 muscle samples were kept for the fillet analysis study. Another 80-90 unidentified specimens were also retained, being mainly deep water species, mustelus species and samples of lizard fish. 6 'fish down' trawl experiments were completed and all fish identified, counted and weighed by species with 30 stomachs collected from Lethrinus genivittatus, L. choerorynchus, Memipterus furcosus and Saurida undosquamis. Video photography and 35 mm camera photography of the trawls were also obtained. 3 hydrographic transects were completed with the sumbersible data logger (SDL) and over 195 species of sponges for taxonomic studies by the Queensland Museum were collected. 125 humpback whales and 8 unidentified cetaceans and approximately 120 dophins were also observed during the cruise. Please note: This metadata record is a preliminary entry derived from information in the cruise plan and/or cruise report. Individual data types - which may span several cruises - will be indexed separately within this metadata system in due course. - Biological Field Data Sheets recorded during this voyage have been scanned to PDF, and are available (to CSIRO Staff) on-line. See the details link under "Stored Media List" (below).

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    This record is an overview entry for biological data collected on Southern Surveyor cruise SS 04/91. This cruise took place in the North West Shelf during 12-30 September 1991, under the leadership of Wade Whitelaw. Biological data collected on this cruise include demersal fish and invertebrate samples from 105 stations, with up to 70 species being caught per 30 min trawl. Greatest diversity occurred at the shallower stations. Length frequency data for 14 species of fish (see taxonomy keywords) and otoliths for 4 of the main species (L. choerorynchus, S. undosquamis, N. furcosus and L. sebae) were collected. Numerous fish specimens were retained for further taxonomic identification and stock discrimination studies. Live berried scampi samples were obtained from 3 scampi trawls for larval rearing studies (UWA). 35 mm camera photography of 63 trawls including video photography of the last trawl to study the effects of the trawl on the benthos were obtained. Numerous whale sightings were also observed during the cruise and 3 hydrographic transects were completed with the submersible data logger (SDL). Please note: This metadata record is a preliminary entry derived from information in the cruise plan and/or cruise report. Individual data types - which may span several cruises - will be indexed separately within this metadata system in due course. - Biological Field Data Sheets recorded during this voyage have been scanned to PDF, and are available (to CSIRO Staff) on-line. See the details link under "Stored Media List" (below).

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    This record is an overview entry for biological data collected on Southern Surveyor cruise SS 07/97. This cruise took place in the North West Shelf during 7 August - 1 September 1997, under the leadership of A. Whitelaw. Biological data collected on this cruise include numerous demersal fish and invertebrate samples; length-frequency data for 14 species of fish, and numerous otolith samples from four major species; additional fish specimens from two deeper water trawls (east of the Rowley Shoals), at 310 m and 105 m; photographs of fish and invertebrates for taxonomic studies and the "Handbook of Australian Seafood"; SDL (submersible data logger) data from 3 hydrographic transects and 35mm photography of 50% of the random trawl stations were obtained. 184 humpback whales, 24 unidentified cetaceans and about 175 dolphins were observed by Environment Australia personnel. Please note: This metadata record is a preliminary entry derived from information in the cruise plan and/or cruise report. Individual data types - which may span several cruises - will be indexed separately within this metadata system in due course.

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    This record is an overview entry for biological data collected on Pride of Eden cruise PoE 1/89 (originally scheduled as Soela SO 4/89; also referred to in some documentation as PoE 4/89). This cruise took place on the Australian North West Shelf during 12 September - 10 October 1989, under the leadership of Wade Whitelaw. 105 trawl stations were completed; length frequency data for 14 species of fish was collected including Saurida, Epinephelus, Lutjanus, Nemipterus, Diagramma an Lethrinus spp.; 3 hydrographic transects were carried out using a submersible data logger (SDL) to profile temperature and salinity; and numerous fish specimens were retained for further taxonomic study. Otoliths were collected from 4 of the major species (Lutjanus sebae, Lutjanus choerorynchus, Saurida undosquamis and Nemipterus furcosus). 35mm underwater photography was used successfully on 79 of the trawl stations and an underwater video camera was deployed on 17 trawls to ascertain the effects of the trawl on the benthos. Video and observations were also made of commercial trawling practices in the area as used on F.V. "Pilbura".(derived from the cruise report) - Biological Field Data Sheets recorded during this voyage have been scanned to PDF, and are available (to CSIRO Staff only) on-line. See the details link under "Stored Media List" (below).

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    This record is an overview entry for biological data collected on Southern Surveyor cruise SS 02/90. This cruise took place in North West Shelf waters during 20 September - 17 October 1990, under the leadership of Keith Sainsbury and Wade Whitelaw. Biological data collected on this cruise include hydrological, length frequency for 15 species of fish, and otoliths for 4 of the major species, squid and cuttlefish biologicals and specimens (for JCUNQ), numerous fish specimens for taxonomic identification, sediment and infauna samples, and video/camera images of the trawls. Please note: This metadata record is a preliminary entry derived from information in the cruise plan and/or cruise report. Individual data types - which may span several cruises - will be indexed separately within this metadata system in due course. - Biological Field Data Sheets recorded during this voyage have been scanned to PDF, and are available (to CSIRO Staff) on-line. See the details link under "Stored Media List" (below).