Exploratory survey of Orange Roughy by the FV San Rankino south of Tasmania in 1992. This ship fished for Orange Roughy to support Southern Surveyor SS9201. The data includes station logs and catch composition.
Exploratory survey of Orange Roughy by the FV Belinda south of Tasmania in 1992. This ship fished for Orange Roughy to support Southern Surveyor SS9201. The data includes station logs and catch composition.
Exploratory survey of Orange Roughy by the FV Corvina south of Tasmania in 1992. This ship fished for Orange Roughy to support Southern Surveyor SS9201. The data includes station logs and catch composition.
Exploratory survey of Orange Roughy by the FV Teena B south of Tasmania in 1992. This ship fished for Orange Roughy to support Southern Surveyor SS9201. The data includes station logs and catch composition.
Collection of deep sea fish earbones (Otoliths) - Blue Grenadier, 180 pairs, collected in 2003, from Western Tasmanian Waters. - Orange Roughy, 21 pairs, collected 2000, from Albany, Western Australia. - Orange Roughy, 1040 pairs, collected 2002, from the South Tasman Rise. These specimens were collected for future CMAR research analyses as required.
38kHz Simrad ES60 acoustic data collected during commercial fishing of spawning orange roughy off the Tasmanian east coast in 2004. Acoustic data is held by the CSIRO Marine Science Acoustic Group (Hobart). Additional data: gps embedded in ES60 .raw files, Wildlife computers MK9 temperature/depth loggers attached to headline of trawl net, AMFA (Australian Fisheries Mangement Authority) observer biological data (species, length, weight, sex, stage)(contact AFMA Observer section), AFMA trawl shot log - filled in by ships officers for each trawl shot, showing catch, location etc (contact AFMA Observer section).
This record is an overview entry for biological data collected on Soela cruise SO 4/88. This cruise took place in waters off the east coast of Tasmania during 14-19 July 1988, under the leadership of Nick Elliot. Biological data collected on this cruise include clear stereo photographs of demersal fish from the trawl mounted camera system including one picture of a single orange roughy. Routine biological information on the orange roughy caught including spawning condition and gonad stage. Gonad samples for studies by the University of Tasmania and the NSW Fisheries Research Institute. Please note: This metadata record is a preliminary entry derived from information in the cruise plan and/or cruise report. Individual data types - which may span several cruises - will be indexed separately within this metadata system in due course.
This record is an overview entry for biological data collected on Soela cruise SO 4/87. This cruise took place in waters off the west and east coasts of Tasmania during 3-16 June 1987, under the leadership of F. R. Harden Jones. Biological data collected on this cruise include estimates of orange roughy biomass based on echo surveys and demersal trawl hauls from the two roughy fishing grounds (Sandy Cape and St Patrick's Head). Orange roughy length frequency, sex ratios, gonad maturation stage and stomach contents (a total of 353 stomachs were analysed, 201 and 152 from the east and west coasts respectively). Bathymetric data within the area bounded by latitudes 41 degrees 45'S and 41 degrees 12' S, and the 700 m and 1200 m contours on the east coast. Bathymetric data on the Sandy Cape ground between latitudes 41 degrees 15'S and 41 degrees 11'S, and longitudes 143 degrees 59.80'E and 144 degrees 01.50'E. Data from echo surveys and environmental data from the sea surface thermosalinograph and XBTs. Target strength measurements of orange roughy using the EK 400 sounder. Information on experimental fishing trials with midwater and demersal trawls. Plankton samples for Dr Thresher and lantern fish were collected for the EZ Company. Please note: This metadata record is a preliminary entry derived from information in the cruise plan and/or cruise report. Individual data types - which may span several cruises - will be indexed separately within this metadata system in due course.
This record is an overview entry for biological data collected on Soela cruise SO 6/87. This cruise took place in waters off the west and east coasts of Tasmania during 5-14 August 1987, under the leadership of John Gunn. Biological data collected on this cruise include weight, length frequency, stomach contents, sex and gonad stage of blue grenadier and orange roughy from demersal trawls. Blue grenadier and orange roughy larval fish samples. Acoustic data on the fish aggregations. Please note: This metadata record is a preliminary entry derived from information in the cruise plan and/or cruise report. Individual data types - which may span several cruises - will be indexed separately within this metadata system in due course.
This record is an overview entry for biological data collected on Soela cruise SO 3/87. This cruise took place in continental slope waters off the west and east coasts of Tasmania during 29 April - 12 May 1987, under the leadership of T. Kenchington. Biological data collected on this cruise include acoustic survey data of orange roughy schools and bathymetric data off Sandy Cape and St Patrick's Head. Biological data on orange roughy off St Patrick's Head, most of these fish were of adult sizes. Typical stomach contents weights were a few percent of body weight, with a maximum of 9%. Sediment samples from the study area. Information on holding/tagging trials. Other biological samples included a large number of sharks (CSIRO), fish specimens (taxonomy group), shark parasites (Inst. of Medical & Veterinary Science, Adelaide), tissues of roughy and other species for electrophoresis (University of Tasmania) and whole fish for undergraduate zoology classes at the University. A large collection of benthic invertebrates to be passed onto appropriate museums including some rock samples for analysis. Please note: This metadata record is a preliminary entry derived from information in the cruise plan and/or cruise report. Individual data types - which may span several cruises - will be indexed separately within this metadata system in due course.