Australian ocean tide model for the Australian shelf for the region limited by 0 degrees S to 45 degrees S and 109 degrees E to 160 degrees E (Harris et al., 2000). The resolution of the model is 0.067 degrees in both latitude and longitude. This corresponds to 7.4 km at the equator and 5.2 km at the southern-most latitude of the model domain. In the longitude direction, it corresponds to 7.4 km. The linearized, shallow-water, tide model described by Egbert et al. (1994) was used. Dissipation was approximated using a quadratic expression (see line 397 in linked report). In the Bass Strait, the model produced too small amplitudes, which was subsequently compensated for by the data assimilation. The model includes the major eight constituents M2, S2, N2, K2, K1, O1, Q1, P1. The solution was obtained using time stepping on an Arakawa C grid by applying periodic forcing and time stepping from homogeneous initial conditions. The solution was achieved in 10,000 time steps using a step length of 15 s. This corresponds to running the model for roughly 2 days. Along the open boundaries around the edges of the model a global ocean tide model by Andersen et al. (1995; version AG95.1) was used to provide boundary elevations (see also; Shum et al., 1997). This dataset suffers from frequent loss of coverage for several regions in the deep ocean. In these regions it was supplemented with data obtained from the National Geophysical Data Center (NGDC) bathymetry model (Smith and Sandwell, 1997)
ESRI grids showing half lunar mean and maxium tidal currents for the Australian Shelf. The tide data was generated from a tide model for the Australian Shelf which was set up for the region limited by 0 degrees S to 45 degrees S and 109 degrees E to 160 degrees E. The spatial and temporal resolution of the model output is 0.067 degrees in both latitude and longitude and half a lunar cycle respectively. The arc info grided data was generated by Rick Smith and mapped by Donna Hayes.
The Northern Region Circulation (MECO) Model was developed as part of the FRDC Surrogates 1 project. It covers the region from Joseph Bonaparte Gulf to Torres Strait with a fixed horizontal resolution of 0.05 degrees. Outputs included sea level, currents, bottom stress, and other physical parameters. For this dataset the monthly mean non tidal currents for the Northern Marine Region were used to create GIS map layers. Currents are modeled and are not validated.
The dataset comprises output from a circulation model of the NWS based on the three-dimensional non-linear hydrodynamic model referred to as MECO. The model spans the Pilbara coast (Ningaloo to Port Hedland) with a horizontal resolution of approximately 5km and vertical resolution expanding from 3 m near the surface to a maximum of 200m at depths below 1000m. Outputs cover the period from August 1996 to May 1998 with hourly outputs of sealevel, surface temperature, surface salinity, surface currents, depth-averaged currents, and bottom friction velocity, as well as 5 day outputs of the full 3-dimensional fields of temperature, salinity, and velocity.