
Earth Science | Biosphere | Ecological Dynamics | Species/Population Interactions | Endangered Species

4 record(s)


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  • Dive surveys were conducted in 2015 and 2016 to establish a baseline and monitor the status of the critically endangered spotted handfish (Brachionichthys hirsutus) population. This dataset contains track records of variable length, GPS tracked underwater visual census transects conducted within 11 sites across the Derwent Estuary (n=9) and D'Entrecasteaux Channel (n=2). Records illustrated search effort (transect length, swathed area) and total fish sighted along each transect. Data were also presented in a standardised unit, with density estimates (fish per hectare [Ha]) extrapolated for each transect. In addition, this dataset also included information for each sighting of individual fish. This dataset contains size measurement (total length) and location (depth, latitude, longitude) records for each sighted fish.

  • This record describes an AFMA/JCU funded project entitled 'Dugong distribution and abundance in Torres Strait'. This research was carried out by James Cook University. The project is described in the referenced report: Marsh H, Lawler IR, Kwan D, Delean S, Pollock K and Alldredge M. 2003. The status of the dugong in Torres Strait in November 2001. Project final report AFMA/JCU Final Report, Canberra, Australia.

  • The referenced report is presented in two sections. The first section reports on the results of a third survey of dugong distribution and abundance in Torres Strait conducted over four days in November 1996. The second section estimates the size of a sustainable dugong catch in Torres Strait using the Potential Biological Removal Method (PBR). The sustainability of the dugong fishery is then evaluated by comparing aerial survey estimates of the size of the dugong population in 1987, 1991 and 1996, and catch statistics from the Torres Strait Protected Zone (TSPZ) since 1991 in the context of current knowledge of dugong life history parameters.

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    Auto-Longline/dropline and baited camera systems used to survey 22 shelf break locations and one seamount location between Brisbane (QLD) and Hobart (TAS)to investigate the distribution of gulper shark species (genus Centrophorus). Three replicate samples of 1500 hooks at each station (except seamount) and up to four camera replicates from most stations. Complete catch composition and distribution of five Centrophorus species recorded. Tissue samples (genetics) collected from 587 dogsharks, 335 sharks tagged. All data in Exel spreadsheet 948KB. Voyage Report PDF 2571 KB. Tagged animals also entered into CMAR 'Tuna' tag database. Still and avi images 7.7 GB.