The benthic habitats represented in the MSE include continental shelf seabed habitats, coastal seagrass meadows and mangrove forests. A metapopulation model was used. Due to availability of historical data, models were most fully developed for the continental shelf seabed habitats. Parameter values for the remaining habitat types were derived from available NWS data and scientific literature. Historical extent data was augmented by personal communication through workshops and interviews with residents, divers and scientists with long term NWS experience. Each of the habitat types was modelled using the benthic agent model structure.
Contains the model output from Spadyno, a benthic habitat modelling and display package developed for the NWSJEMS project. The model predicts benthic habitat recovery under various fishing regimes. Two different modelling approaches can be selected by the user. The software also allows the user to vary environmental parameters such as cyclone activity and currents. Accompanying the model output on the production CD is source code, input data and documentation. The model is written in C and the output is in Visual Basic.
A total of 11 research cruises were carried out on the "Milana J", "Island Girl" and the FRV Southern Surveyor between 1993 and 1995 to study ponyfish (Leiognathid) biology and ecology. Data were collected on ponyfish length, weight, sex and gonad weight.
Fish population dynamics are represented by age-structured models that account for reproduction, natural mortality and fishing mortality. These models are calibrated for the major species groups and are detailed in Sections 3 and 15 in the companion model specification report (Gray et al. 2006). The selection of the parameters for each species was done by running the historical period of the model over a range of values of these parameters, and comparing the initial biomass of the simulation to a range of species biomass that was thought to occur in nature. Parameters were selected at three levels within this range of biomass to give the optimistic, base-case and pessimistic specifications.
Sea snakes were collected in the eastern Gulf of Carpentaria from prawn trawls taken during a number of research cruises. The sea snakes were taxonomically identified, with 16 species being found.
Coastal Zone Colour Scanner (CZCS) composited mean-monthly maps for the Australian EEZ region. The original NASA monthly composites have been processed by John Parslow and Chris Rathbone of the CSIRO Division of Fisheries to produce, for each month, images which are the mean over the 8 years of sampling. These have then been very simply remapped to a 1/2 degree grid, compatible with the "regional seasonal ocean physical property maps". The maps are all in units of pigment/m3.
Shark collection and live feeding experiments were carried out at Weipa, far north Queensland.
The dataset is a map of a benthic environmental classification of the North Marine Region (NMR). The aim of the classification was to summarise the way the physical environment near the seabed varies across the NMR. In particular, we were interested in variation within and across bioregion boundaries. The analysis was performed for the Department of the Environment and Water Resources for use in profiling of the NMR during the development of a marine bioregional plan for the region. The environmental classification process comprised laying a grid of cells over the NMR and sorting the cells into clusters on the basis of their physical environmental attributes. The classification method was unsupervised, model-based clustering with a Gaussian mixture model, and was performed with the MCLUST package for R. With this method, the statistical distributions of the clustering variables are modelled as a mixture of multivariate normal distributions. Clustering is a two-step process. First, the parameters of the mixture model are fitted by maximum likelihood. Second, the model is used to assign grid cells to clusters. The clustering variables were bathymetry, median current stress, sediment gravel percentage and average bottom salinity. The environmental characteristics of the nine clusters were (1) deep; (2) deep; (3) low stress, low gravel, low salinity; (4) average for the region; (5) average for the region; (6) shallow, low stress, high salinity; (7) shallow, low salinity; (8) shallow, high stress, gravel; and (9) shallow, high stress, high salinity.
Beam trawl surveys of juvenile prawns were carried out between the Vanderlin Islands and Rosy Creek, Gulf of Carpentaria to investigate the impact of dredging by MacArthur River Mines.
This dataset is a composition of various datasets to form a detailed map at the 1:10000 resolution of the seagrass distribution and associated habitat descriptions around the Montebello Islands, Australian NW Shelf.