This data was collected to primarily provide preliminary information on the diets of ten pelagic fish species common to the Northern Prawn Fishery, specifically to investigate any effects of prawn predation by pelagic fish. After the project was initiated the scope of the study was broadened to investigate the age, growth (by otoliths) and reproductive dynamics (by GSI and histology) of these species. Tissue samples from at about 100 specimens representing each species were also taken and stored in DMSO solution and is available for any researcher wishing to undertake a genetic stock structure study. This study was solely funded by CMR as a pilot study. As a result of limited funds, fish specimens were collected opportunistically from recreational fisher donations, commercial catches and from bycatch samples from scientific cruises. As a result, the capture location of the majority of specimens does not have a lat/long, and is generally only identified by the general area of capture (i.e. 'Weipa' or 'Gladstone'). The method of capture was recorded to the best of our knowledge (i.e. hook and line, gillnet etc), although actual gear specifications and shot information were generally not available.
This record describes the datasets obtained on Courageous Cruise 035. The data were obtained from the Australian NW Shelf (Port Hedland and York Sound areas) in May and June 1978. Data were obtained from acoustic and trawl surveys of pelagic and demersal fish. Predominant species included goatfish (Mullidae), threadfin bream (Nemipteridae), lizard fish (Synodontidae), scad and trevally (Carangidae), pufferfish (Tetradontidae), bigeye (Priacanthidae), emperor (Lethrinidae) and sea perch (Lutjanidae). Five species of Scombrid included leaping bonito (Cybiosarda elegans), frigate mackerel (Auxis thazard), eastern little tuna (Euthynnus affinis), big-eye tuna (Thunnus obesus) and Indian mackerel (Rastrelliger kanagurta). Several individual tuna were trolled, including skipjack tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis) and northern bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus). Length, numbers, weight and target signal strength were determined. Two XBT, nutrient and plankton sampling transects were also completed. Additional information regarding this dataset is contained in the cruise summary for this voyage.(derived from the cruise report) - Biological Field Data Sheets recorded during this voyage have been scanned to PDF, and are available (to CSIRO Staff) on-line. See the details link under "Stored Media List" (below).