This record describes the sediment size data collected as part of the 1993-1996 South East Fishery Ecosystem Study undertaken by CSIRO Division of Fisheries. Sediment samples were collected using a sediment sampler aboard a benthic sled deployed on 4 cruises of FRV "Southern Surveyor" on seven transects across the continental shelf in eastern Bass Strait, south-west Victoria, and south-west NSW waters. Samples were collected in July 1993 (cruise SS 05/93), August 1994 (cruise SS 05/94), April 1996 (cruise SS 02/96) and November 1996 (cruise SS 06/96). In addition to the broad-scale, transect-based surveys described above, representatives of 4 separate habitat types (Big Gutter, Gabo Reef, Big Horsehoe and Broken Reef) were sampled more intensively. For the purpose of this study, sediment data were used primarily to characterise habitat types by particle size as well as to complement other habitat data derived from acoustic measurements. In addition, portions of the sediment samples were used for pigment and stable isotope analysis (see separate metadata records).
Three FRV Southern Surveyor cruises took place in the Gulf of Carpentaria: SS3/90 (108 stations), SS5/91 (80 stations) and SS1/93 (80 stations). Samples were collected in fish trawls and dredges and sediment samples were taken. Temperature and salinity data were also collected.
This record is an overview entry for biological data collected on Soela cruise SO 2/85. This cruise took place in waters off Tasmania, Bass Strait and the Tasman Sea (Cascade Plateau area) during 23 March - 21 April 1985, under the leadership of Ron Thresher and Steve Blaber. Biological data collected on this cruise include ichthyoplankton samples and fish samples from demersal and pelagic trawling. Electrophoretic samples of blue grenadier. EK 400 acoustic data of the Cascade Plateau area. Samples of fish including Orange Roughy, Ocean Perch, Spiky Dory, Blue Grenadier and Deep Sea Trevalla from the plateau area and a basalt sample for geological analysis.(derived from the cruise report) - Biological Field Data Sheets recorded during this voyage have been scanned to PDF, and are available (to CSIRO Staff) on-line. See the details link under "Stored Media List" (below).