The Barcode of Life Data System (BOLD) is an informatics workbench aiding the acquisition, storage, analysis and publication of DNA barcode records. CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research (CMAR) contributes to this database, as of May 2008, it has contributed about 1000 species of fish, mostly from multiple samples, along with ~100 species of decapods and ~100 species of echinoderms (marine invertebrates). There is DNA data for a specific gene (COI). The collection of data includes GPS location, date, depth, who collected and identified sample, and some have photos. The samples used in providing the information to the Database from CMAR are housed at the Marine Laboratories in Hobart.
This record is an entry for Biological Field Data Sheets from Southern Surveyor cruise SS 04/92. This cruise took place in waters off southern Tasmania during 3 November - 1 December 1992, under the leadership of Tony Koslow. Biological data collected on this cruise include demersal fish, micronekton and zooplankton samples to examine vertical distribution and diurnal movements. Dominant fish and zooplankton species to examine the diet through stomach content and stable isotope analyses. Estimates of zooplankton biomass, primary productivity and the concentration of chlorophyll-a at the trawl site and cross-slope transects. Flux of detritus estimates through the water column. Acoustic data of midslope fishes including target strength sampling in conjunction with net sampling. Please note: The Biological Field Data Sheets recorded during this voyage have been scanned to PDF, and are available on-line. See the data link (below).