This record describes SVP Drifter deployments from the Marine National Facility RV Investigator Voyage IN2015_V03 and data access. This is the third research voyage for the RV Investigator departing Brisbane on the 3rd June and arriving in Sydney on the 18th June, 2015. The GDP (Global Drifter Program) SVP Drifters are Argos tracked Lagrangian Drifters designed to meet the need for accurate and global in-situ observation of Sea Surface Temperature (SST) and surface circulation. Each unit consists of a surface buoy and a subsurface drogue (sea anchor), attached by a long, thin tether. The buoy measures temperature and other properties, and has a transmitter to send the data to passing satellites. The drogue dominates the total area of the instrument and is centred at a depth of 15 meters beneath the sea surface. Manufacturer: Pacific Gyre Inc. A total of 10 drifters were deployed on this cruise, deployment information is provided in the documentation links below. Access to the data is via NOAA or system ARGOS.